For the "Far Beyond" chat...
Ghouls still need food, water and oxygen. Even if they go to "the healing glow of the far beyond" (which I've always imagined to be the van Allen belts, so no need to leave earth orbit) they wouldn't be able to stay there forever.
Nae need to get so radge pal. I'm just trying to have a polite discussion here.
I'm not familiar with a lot of the specific cases in the States that you're talking about. All I can speak about is my experience with the feminists I know, which is that they are concerned with things like...
I've actually had a long conversation with a feminist friend of mine about how Andrea Dworkin was a fucking idiot. The whole movement is a lot less cohesive and monolithic than you seem to think it is.
To be fair, that's 5 names out of 3.5 billion women worldwide. Feminism isn't a unified movement. It's a catch-all term describing multiple schools of thought. A bit like "conservative" with no qualifier can mean someone who is fiscally conservative and in favour of low taxes and small...
It's one university voluntarily trialling a scheme where senior academics get given an advisor to help overcome unconscious biases they might have, using money from a central pot at the EPSRC earmarked for improving diversity. It's hardly the gulag!
I work with a bunch of Muslims (Iraqis...
Never said it was the right thing to do. But people have sided with monumental assholes out of self-interest, or even perceived utilitarianism, since the beginning to the species.
Because they keep the peace. No bandits, no raiders, no crime, no blackouts, no drought. And for many who grew up in the wasteland, the occasional crucifixion of someone for not much in particular is a small price to pay for that.
Yah, and as for ghouls, ferals are canon now, so people are probably a little jumpy around even normal ones. Plus there's the fact that if you were an ignorant wastelander you could well assume that whatever caused their skin to fall off and rot might be contagious.
Christine wasn't lobotomised, she was "only" experimented on. Apparently brain damage affecting only the ability to read and write is quite common:
"Patients with pure alexia lose the ability...
FO3: Rivet City. Secure, supplies of food and water. Plenty of interesting people coming through to trade and keep things interesting. And if things go really tits-up you can escape down the Potomac by water.
NV: If we're talking locations actually featured in-game, probably the Strip. It's the...