/pol/shit, Or: How I learned to stop worrying and love the shitposting

Once again Americans end what Europeans start.

I guess racism in South Africa is also Europe's fault.

Also, the genocide of the Native Americans was carried out pretty much 100 % by folks who lived on the American continents. I don't consider these people to be "Europeans".
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I guess racism in South Africa is also Europe's fault.

Also, the genocide of the Native Americans was carried out pretty much 100 % by folks who lived on the American continents. I don't consider these people to be "Europeans".

Most Native Americans I know enjoy driving their air conditioned cars and living in their brick houses with free food and healthcare for life. For the record I know more Natives than Whites. ANECDOTES!
USA just first commits genocide themselves and gets away with it (Native Americans), then funds and profits from the war (US banks), then enables it (IBM enabled the Holocaust and other US companies benefited from it) and then steals wealth (including oil) from other countries to create the military industrial complex it uses to commit genocides on small, third world nations (Korea, Vietnam, Nicaragua, Grenada, Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, etc. etc.).
Do you have one of those corkboards in your basement with the red strings connecting things?

All that lead up to wipe out the Grenadans? That's some fucking long game power moves bruh.

I mean Grenada Genocide, remind me of the body count again? Teach us more about the Grenada Genocide please.

Enabling the holocaust. Let that one sink in.

Do they even teach European history prior to 1950 over there anymore?

Also, the genocide of the Native Americans was carried out pretty much 100 % by folks who lived on the American continents. I don't consider these people to be "Europeans".
Pray tell which American institutions were Pizarro and Cortez products of? Bonus points for tying them into the Granada Genocide.
Do you have one of those corkboards in your basement with the red strings connecting things?

All that lead up to wipe out the Grenadans? That's some fucking long game power moves bruh.

I mean Grenada Genocide, remind me of the body count again? Teach us more about the Grenada Genocide please.

Enabling the holocaust. Let that one sink in.

Do they even teach European history prior to 1950 over there anymore?

Pray tell which American institutions were Pizarro and Cortez products of? Bonus points for tying them into the Granada Genocide.

The war or conflict in Grenada was Reagan's attempt to purge the US from the shadow of the Vietnam war. To stop Americans being so anti-war and to be more pro-war. Only 7 - 8 years later US marched into Iraq and started the Never Ending War we all get to enjoy now and into the future.

I was just reading some stuff Lincoln had written. The supposedly 'nice' US president. He wiped out a large number of Native Americans and didn't have any qualms about it. So...yea. Black people were acknowledged as humans in US in like the 70's. When are Native Americans going to be seen as humans in the US?
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The war or conflict in Grenada was Reagan's attempt to purge the US from the shadow of the Vietnam war. To stop Americans being so anti-war and to be more pro-war. Only 7 - 8 years later US marched into Iraq and started the Never Ending War we all get to enjoy now and into the future.

I was just reading some stuff Lincoln had written. The supposedly 'nice' US president. He wiped out a large number of Native Americans and didn't have any qualms about it. So...yea. Black people were acknowledged as humans in US in like the 70's. When are Native Americans going to be seen as humans in the US?

God, did you just read our history or something? Yeah, NEWSFLASH! LINCOLN DID NOT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT THE SLAVES.

I will quote Atom and tell Scalper to GO TO SLEEP. SLEEP. SLEEP. SLEEP.
The war or conflict in Grenada was Reagan's attempt to purge the US from the shadow of the Vietnam war. To stop Americans being so anti-war and to be more pro-war. Only 7 - 8 years later US marched into Iraq and started the Never Ending War we all get to enjoy now and into the future.
You've got a very loose definition of genocide.

Conversely, it enjoyed broad public support in the United States[10] and, over time, a positive evaluation from the Grenadian population, who appreciated the fact that there had been relatively few civilian casualties, as well as the return to democratic elections in 1984.[11][better source needed][12] ...The date of the invasion is now a national holiday in Grenada, called Thanksgiving Day, which commemorates the freeing, after the invasion, of several political prisoners who were subsequently elected to office.

Holidays, democratic elections and freed dissidents - what a brutal, repressive genocide.

You're all Euro-chauvanist on the subject of genocide, GENOCIDE of all things. Let's not go there, it's like trying to get a sip of water out of a firehose.
GENOCIDE. Drives down road with nothing but Creek Nation housing on the side, something-or-another-Nation building here...
You've got a very loose definition of genocide.

Conversely, it enjoyed broad public support in the United States[10] and, over time, a positive evaluation from the Grenadian population, who appreciated the fact that there had been relatively few civilian casualties, as well as the return to democratic elections in 1984.[11][better source needed][12] ...The date of the invasion is now a national holiday in Grenada, called Thanksgiving Day, which commemorates the freeing, after the invasion, of several political prisoners who were subsequently elected to office.

Holidays, democratic elections and freed dissidents - what a brutal, repressive genocide.

You're all Euro-chauvanist on the subject of genocide, GENOCIDE of all things. Let's not go there, it's like trying to get a sip of water out of a firehose.

Is there a time in the history of USA when it hasn't been in a state of war? And even before that there was the genocide of Native Americans. The country is basically run by the MIC (military industrial complex) and Trump is certainly in their back pocket so expect more wars of aggression by the USA. Trump has already escalated the drone wars taking place in several poor third world countries bombing poor black babies living in clay huts.

You seem very fixated on Grenada. Grenada can't choose whom they deal with, they are forced to have a pro-US government? Also IMHO it was a debacle, with for example 4 of the 'heroic' navy seals drowning because of equipment malfunction.

Btw the "thanksgiving day" in Grenada was implemented because of US pressure.
Is there a time in the history of EUROPE when it hasn't been in a state of war? And even before that there was the genocide of JEWS. The EU is basically run by the WORLD BANKS and MERKEL is certainly in their back pocket so expect more wars of aggression by the UN/NATO. PUTIN has already escalated the drone wars taking place in several poor third world countries bombing poor brown babies living in mud huts.
You seem very fixated on Grenada.
I'm very much fixated on you characterizing it as genocide, and how that displays a total lack of objectivity of the facts, to put it generously. Coupled with notions like this:
Also, the genocide of the Native Americans was carried out pretty much 100 % by folks who lived on the American continents. I don't consider these people to be "Europeans".
Shows a stunning lack of awareness of European history and genocide. Someone who calls Grenada a genocide, and can't wrap their mind around a European being complicit in genocide has taken his high horse and transcended to a whole 'nother plane of cognitive dissonance. There's really no need to put a finer point on this.
We are all Earthlings (or Terrans if you prefer)! Earthlings are all genocidal bastards that kill everything whenever they feel like it! I kill everything, you kill everything, he kills everything, they kill everything, we all kill everything!
I don't kill that much :(

This morning I did flush a bug, but not out of habit or anything! The damn bug was buzzing around INSIDE the toilet bowl on _two consecutive occasions_

I even made a genuine effort at spooking it out of there, by waving some toilet paper around!

But it didn't get the damn picture, and it had allready wasted a good 35 seconds of my life, and I would have no more of it.
I flushed the damn toilet.

The fly is dead now.

I'm very much fixated on you characterizing it as genocide, and how that displays a total lack of objectivity of the facts, to put it generously. Coupled with notions like this:

Shows a stunning lack of awareness of European history and genocide. Someone who calls Grenada a genocide, and can't wrap their mind around a European being complicit in genocide has taken his high horse and transcended to a whole 'nother plane of cognitive dissonance. There's really no need to put a finer point on this.

Genocide is intentional action to destroy a people (usually defined as an ethnic, national, racial, or religious group) in whole or in part.

Besides, why can't Grenadans have Cuban-style UHC? You don't want them to live as long as the Cubans who, despite a decades long genocidal embargo, have one of the longest average lifespans in the region.
Liberalism, the party of blind hatred, blind ignorance, blatant double standards, hatred for the white man and anything you deem his, and the fetishization of anything that doesn't seem white to you. The party of insulting a man for debunking your lies, insulting him for not thinking highly of you after you do that, and calling him all the worst names you can think of.

I'm glad people are waking up and choosing to #WalkAway from the party of spiteful Pinkos who think everyone to the right of Marx is Literally Hitler(TM), because it means I don't have to publically debate Liberals and expose their lies, flaws, double standards, and inadequacies to the general public any more.

Everyone worth a damn already knows liberals are full of shit, or will learn it the second they see any easily-reposted meme that mocks liberals for attacking human rights, sucking the dick of Kim Jong Un's Sister, defending terrorists, any of the bad shit they've done recently, really.

I don't have to give libtards the time of day any more, which is good, because they are exhaustingly stupid. #BlueWave? More like #BlueFlush!

Awful broad brush you're painting with there mate. Perhaps you're a little triggered?
Fucking laughing my ass off at the MN Primary. Like, holy fucking shit, Minnesotans are retarded. It's "JUST NOW coming to light" that the Muslim State AG candidate, Keith Ellison (who already was elected to a different office) is a fucking woman beater and shit. Except the allegations were from 2017. And possibly go earlier than that. Man, a Muslim who treats women like shit, WHODATHUNKIT RIGHT?

Woke progressives love to throw around "Islamophobia" like it's going out of fucking style. Fuck, man, I dunno, why would I be afraid of an ideology that wants to imprison me/cut my head off/throw me off a building, use little boys as fucktoys, mutilate children's genitalia, and put bags over women's heads (after they beat them for insolence of course)? Fuck, man, that's a really hard question. Hmm.

In other news: Title IX, the bonkers feminist law designed to chase men out of postsecondary, has finally cut in the other direction and feminists are very concerned now. It's almost like these daft cunts have no principles beyond "HATE MEN".
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But there's no Marxist/leftist problem in higher ed no sir no problem at all this is completely ok
The symbol on the commissar's lapel is totally different. See? Totally not Marxism.

To clarify: This really isn't Marxism. It basically looks and feels like Stalinism, but it's really unrelated to Marxism.