I wish that they at least have a better fucking engine this time. I'm fine with playing a shitty game just to have some fun but my god why is their engine so GARBAGE???
I think Bethesda is gonna force Obsidian to use Fallout 4's engine. They want people to be familiar with the engine and game mechanics etc. It's very very likely going to be exactly the same as Fallout 4, like New Vegas was similar to Fo3.
I think Enclave could still make for an interesting faction. A lot of people here are against a Fallout game with Enclave in it (because it was poorly done in FO3 I guess and other reasons which I'm not aware of perhaps) but it sure was a badass faction in Fallout 2.
Yeah I didn't read this because it's too long but if you can make a good little post-apocalyptic RPG that's pretty cool. I'd probably trust Obsidian more with that kind of stuff and it's plausible they'll make one some day but if you have it planned out and have some good ideas then go for it...
I personally like it more as just a normal armor like in the older games. But you definitely get it way too early in Fallout 4, no question about it. Ridiculously early.
I have a feeling this is what Fallout will be remembered for after the next few years. Settlement building. Not a great RPG with a great world, SETTLEMENT BUILDING. BUILDING DICKS.
I always thought it would make for a cool mod where it combines the "travel" system in FO1/FO2 and the fast travel system in FO3/FNV/FO4
Basically you still go to location/markers normally but you go from marker to marker like in FO1/FO2 which also gives you random encounters.
This is kinda...
I don't know about FNV on launch but Fallout 3 was crashing on consoles, had a LOT of graphical and physics glitches. I mean FNV uses the same engine so it's pretty clear why there would be graphical/physics glitches and crashing.
I don't know exactly what got in the way of your enjoyment. I...