Bethesda has thanked fans for the successful launch of Fallout 4 and has provide a few details of the upcoming game patches.
Semi acknowledgment of the seemly lack of many in hints on the various systems, although some details are buried away in the in game help menu:
Patch plans:
Semi acknowledgment of the seemly lack of many in hints on the various systems, although some details are buried away in the in game help menu:
For some, the freedom the game offers can be overwhelming. We know the game throws a lot on you at once, so take your time. There are many moments of “How does this work? What do I do to survive?” and that’s how your character should be feeling as well. Those that push through should be able to look back at who they were when they stepped out of the Vault and say, “I made it. I understand this world now and it’s mine.”
Patch plans:
Our process for updating the game will include releasing a beta patch on Steam, followed by full release on PC, then release on the consoles. This process has worked well for us in the past and allows us to get more fixes out faster. Expect to see more updates, that are smaller and more frequent, than a few big ones. This allows us to make sure each fix is working right, as any change can have unintentional side effects in a game this huge. We expect the first beta patch to be up next week.