Recent content by Quagmire69

  1. Q

    Should Fallout 3 be considered canon?

    Just because you hate the canon doesn't change it. Personally I typically go for the darker endings but I don't pretend that the ghost people descended on Vegas, that both the Legion and the NCR got nuked and that the Lone Wanderer put the modified FEV into the water purifier. But here's the...
  2. Q

    Will Mutants take over DC?

    Oh and by mutants I mean all mutated creatureds, this includes ghouls. I think what happens would largely depend on the players actions. Like if they helped Roy Phillips, or blew up megaton, wether they helped out big town. Humanity could be limited to just the Brotherhood and Rivet City(no...
  3. Q

    if you made an faction

    The Workers Republic of Pittsburg(WRP). After Ashur died his daughter then 23 took over. Reforming the Pitt from a brutal den of violence into something slightly more respectable. Slave labour has been replaced with temporary forced labour, those captured in WRP raids and those breaking the...
  4. Q

    Will Mutants take over DC?

    I base this question on the fact that so many character from Fallout 3 have suggested that humans are losing the battle of survival to the muties. Those include: several members of Lyons Brotherhood, the Outcast, Eden, various wastelanders. Your thoughts?
  5. Q

    Ancestry and Family Surnames

    My Family were Danes that settled in the British Isles. My name means in "son of the north" "son of a sea pirage" and "son of Denmark".
  6. Q

    Is NV too much NCR-Sided?

    First of all I never said I hate deomocracy I quite like, its just pretty impractical for the falloout universe. The point I was trying to make is the British Empire destroyed plenty of contries from Ireland to India. Modern day America might not be perfect but is far more humane.
  7. Q

    Is NV too much NCR-Sided?

    Why don't you go into an Irish pub, go up to the biggist guy thier and tell him about the virtues of the British commonwealth. :roll:
  8. Q

    Proeliator of Clementia

    To be continued
  9. Q

    Proeliator of Clementia

    It had been ten long years since the victory at the Damn, and blood soaked years at that. But that was the price to be paid. After the Damn the Mojave fell in a matter of days, with the help of the Omertas and the White Glove Vegas fell without a fight, though Lianus wanted to systematically...
  10. Q

    Is NV too much NCR-Sided?

    Julius Ceasar was a beloved dictaitor as were many Kings and Emporers throughout history, does'nt make Ivan the Terrible a democratic leader.
  11. Q

    Is NV too much NCR-Sided?

    Your forgetting that the NCR was a dictaitorship for most of its history. After Tandi died things went downhill.
  12. Q

    What would be your last words?

    "shit I can't come up with anything, make up something good for me"
  13. Q

    Is NV too much NCR-Sided?

    Hitler and Caesar are two completely different leadership styles. Hilter was an intuitive leader, he declared war when he felt he would win, sometimes this worked, sometimes it did'nt. I think Hitlers problem was at a certain point he started to believe the myths he created about himself and...
  14. Q

    Is NV too much NCR-Sided?

    Maybe it does but telling me I talk out of my ass is not an effective way of arguing. I don't think my reasoning of socialism is wrong. If you want I can cite the books i've read on the subject. My opinion on Socialism is that it is a vacant ideology because the highest goal is utilitarian, I...