Recent content by Sickle

  1. Sickle

    Modoc Brahmin Bug

    I've read your post multiple times and I still don't know what the problem is... They raise and slaughter cattle, it makes sense for new ones to show up from time to time.
  2. Sickle

    Saving in combat, is it really that bad?

    Right, this might be total nonsense. I'm no expert and this is just what I think after spending too long playing games... I think corruption is caused by constant save/loading without actually exiting the game. I save in combat... I actually save every 2 minutes. And if I need to load, I...
  3. Sickle

    Should there be guns in Fallout?

    Nobody mentioned medieval warfare... All the Fallout games already have plenty of melee weapons, but they never get used enough because of all the guns and ammo. And a crossbow isn't that much of a stretch, it's already in plenty of apocalyptic movies and games, and makes more sense as a...
  4. Sickle

    Anyone else tired of the old factions?

    Hell yes! Give us something new. The Far Go Traders and Gun Runners are OK, but the rest can go rot in the wastes.
  5. Sickle

    Should there be guns in Fallout?

    Fallout always needs *some* guns. Though the current games have too many, which quickly makes melee/unarmed and throwing feel a bit useless. The Dark Earth game probably handled it best. Almost everyone used melee, and a handful of people had crappy pipe rifles or crossbows... But the "real"...
  6. Sickle

    RP 2.3.3: Vic's trapped door

    My characters are always ironman, and they all disarm the traps(there's 2 on the door...) just fine. And I never put any points into trap skill... You should be more worried about using dynamite in the rat tunnels.
  7. Sickle

    Mad Max: Fury Road Comic-con trailer

    I've been looking forward to this for so long... and the first thing they do is destroy his car in the trailer? Is this a joke? Then we see a bunch of explosions, crazy people and... is that Khaleesi and her handmaids? I have a bad feeling about this.
  8. Sickle

    Bounty Hunters for "good" players?

    Did you replace an existing encounter or create a new one? If you made a new one you'll need to create an entry in the worldmap.MSG text. It's in the\Text\English\Game folder. If it's not there you'll have to unpack it.
  9. Sickle

    Bounty Hunters for "good" players?

    If(Global(0) < -500) is reputation/karma, increasing it will make them attack "good" characters If(Global(1) > 1) is checking if you're a child killer To get them to attack any high level character just use something like... enc_05=Chance:15%,Enc2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player...
  10. Sickle

    Editor Help

    Make sure your edited map is saved to the ...\core\campaigns\missions\core folder.
  11. Sickle

    How much idiocy can one person take before they finally snap?

    I can't take much at all... a person littering can set off my murderous thoughts.
  12. Sickle

    New Mod Project: Side Quest DLC

    Such a shame, I've seen so many mods die out at the mapping part. But you should keep all your files, you never know when you'll get the itch to mod again.
  13. Sickle

    Are the Brotherhood of Steel ambiguously good or evil?

    They're a bunch of useless cowards for the most part in Fallout 1 and 2... They were always "in the rear with the gear". In Fallout they're evil at first, they send outsiders to their death as a joke. In Fallout 2 they have some of the best gear ingame, and bunkers in many towns... but they do...
  14. Sickle

    New Mod Project: Side Quest DLC

    Any luck finding that fix?
  15. Sickle

    New Mod Project: Side Quest DLC

    Never seen any fix for the random colours. Those old graphics look really nice. Another good game to *borrow* graphics from would be Alien Shooter 2 games...