How much idiocy can one person take before they finally snap?


Underground Deviant
The stupidity that is displayed on YouTube is enough to make me snap, but since this is the internet, stupidity tends to be the most common part about it.

Anyway, back to the question at hand. How much idiocy can one take before going insane?
I'm less concerned about the stupidity seen on Youtube than the stupidity seen on the road by licensed drivers.

The two most terrifying times that I've had were Jury Duty and getting a driver's license; both because of seeing the people there, and knowing that these people were going to be driving the cars in the other lanes, and potentially weighing evidence in the courts. :puppy-dog: What I saw scarred me for life.
I can't take much at all... a person littering can set off my murderous thoughts.
I've become an excessive eye roller. I hate that about me. I hate eye rollers.
Well I could only take 4 months of Call Center work before I started to feel physically ill and quit.
I have a horrrrible habit of replying to things on youtube.

Can you imagine?
I try to say things to some of those people

Every time I regret it

every time... I never learn!
I solved the problem of fighting with this particular issue by deleting my youtube and gmail accounts, since i snapped when google tried to force their google+ shit on me.
though people dont need the internet or youtube to be really (really!) stupid, the internet just helps to concentrate it all in one place.
I'm less concerned about the stupidity seen on Youtube than the stupidity seen on the road by licensed drivers.

The two most terrifying times that I've had were Jury Duty and getting a driver's license; both because of seeing the people there, and knowing that these people were going to be driving the cars in the other lanes, and potentially weighing evidence in the courts. :puppy-dog: What I saw scarred me for life.
Sorta like this?


Personally, while I don't find it easy, I just do my best to put people's stupidity OUT of my mind. I grew up watching a mother with a martyr complex expend all of her energy into trying to deal with people being stupid and people being wrong and people being harmful, and watching her waste away "trying to make a difference", and that's left an indelible impression on me. I don't want to try to save the lost; they're lost. I'll try to focus my efforts on maybe sharing enlightenment with those who can be saved. If I see someone exhibit Darwin Award worthy levels of stupidity, I just mentally note that they're lost, and try to move on.
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I have a horrrrible habit of replying to things on youtube.

Can you imagine?
I try to say things to some of those people

Every time I regret it

every time... I never learn!

Haha I'm the same way. Some pedant always replies and often successfully manages to make me feel like a moron. Kind of like the Order when BN and Sander were there a lot.
This thread reminds me of an early promo for King of the Hill that had just Hank Hill standing alone facing the camera and saying something like "I'm here to say that I think it's okay for people to have piercings and tattoos. It helps the rest of us identify the people who aren't quite right in the head."

This thread reminds me of an early promo for King of the Hill that had just Hank Hill standing alone facing the camera and saying something like "I'm here to say that I think it's okay for people to have piercings and tattoos. It helps the rest of us identify the people who aren't quite right in the head."

That is awesome!

Alright... here is is one for everyone: "Bagel heads"; (elective surgery!).

Alright... here is is one for everyone: "Bagel heads"; (elective surgery!).
That's weird (and yes, idiotic), but not too disturbing... seeing someone slice them open, toast them, and add cream cheese, though - now *that* would make me snap!

This thread reminds me of an early promo for King of the Hill that had just Hank Hill standing alone facing the camera and saying something like "I'm here to say that I think it's okay for people to have piercings and tattoos. It helps the rest of us identify the people who aren't quite right in the head."

That is awesome!

Alright... here is is one for everyone: "Bagel heads"; (elective surgery!).

View attachment 654

Why do even do that? Is there a movement of Degenerative brain tumor fetichists?
Does there need to be a reason? "Idiocy" seems to have it covered. :D Though at a guess, I'd say either A) they're bagel fanatics, B) they get some kind of sadomasochistic pleasure out of the procedure or the skin stretching, C) they want to make sure that they are never offered a job above minimum wage, D) they are exploring novel ways to treat mental illness, or E) all of the above.