Recent content by TheRealGoodOleSmokey

  1. TheRealGoodOleSmokey

    UP and RP updates

    Another quick question (sorry lol), would you happen to have the one's for the EPA? if not it's okay :)
  2. TheRealGoodOleSmokey

    UP and RP updates

    Holy crap, thank you so much!
  3. TheRealGoodOleSmokey

    UP and RP updates

    all of em if possible, I'm looking to recreate them in 3d with the source images for a new vegas mod. I already have quite a lot of the normal ones like the movie poster's and the tool album cover (lol).
  4. TheRealGoodOleSmokey

    UP and RP updates

    Does anyone know what reference images were used for all of the additional poster's added by RP?
  5. TheRealGoodOleSmokey

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.3.3 (Unofficial Expansion)

    Does anyone know what reference images were used for all of the additional poster's added by RP?
  6. TheRealGoodOleSmokey

    Fallout tactics mod in Unity3D

    Does anyone still have the files for it? I know he posted them some time ago but i completely forgot about this project till recently
  7. TheRealGoodOleSmokey

    Fallout 2 mod Home sweet home

    im already in the process of making it, it will not come out for a while because I am releasing it along side another mod I am working on called The Chosen's Way (formerly The Way of Chosen)
  8. TheRealGoodOleSmokey

    Fallout 2 mod Home sweet home

    Im remaking this in new vegas fyi :)
  9. TheRealGoodOleSmokey

    Fallout 2 utility Fallout 2 Mod Runner

    Yeah no lol I agree, this isn't a full proof launcher, I think I have another mod runner that merges scripts ect to fix those issues but I never got it to work on my OS.
  10. TheRealGoodOleSmokey

    Fallout 2 utility Fallout 2 Mod Runner

    I haven't run into a single incompatibility issue except for (obviously) mods that replace the same thing.
  11. TheRealGoodOleSmokey

    Fallout 2 utility Fallout 2 Mod Runner

    can u elaborate? this simply allows you to launch more than one mod that's in the form of a .dat file
  12. TheRealGoodOleSmokey

    Fallout Tactics mod Punch Dummy Racing

    yes, you need to ask an admin
  13. TheRealGoodOleSmokey

    Fallout 2 utility Fallout 2 Mod Runner

    Why yes I can! The first thing you need to do is drop the ModRunner.exe into your base Fallout 2 directory, after doing so run it and these files should show up, given that u have the high res patch installed, if you do not have it installed it is no biggie. Adding mod is pretty straight...
  14. TheRealGoodOleSmokey

    New Fallout 1 Remake

    That's some next level modding dude, you guys should post a video showing its functionality in game (like leaving an area then going to the map then moving back to an area). Thanks! we'll post a video when its completely ready or near ready :)