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  • Damn you Persona 5 and having so many social skill checks for your Cooperations! What is this an RPG?
    But I don't want to get beat up by them, Harem routes are not my thing.
    There are 9 waifus in P5. So one NG+ for each of them = 9 full playthroughs of P5 if one wishes to avoid harem.

    That's my plan for P5. Already won the game.
    I couldn't Waifu the Waifu I wanted in Persona 5, or I don't think I have enough time. Eh, that's what NG+ is for.
    The first episode of Westworld was pretty good, I guess people weren't exagerating like with TWD and such,
    It gets better.
    Exaggeration? In the case of TWD? I think the actual case is it was only good for about 4 episodes and people won't accept how bad it's gotten.
    The All Nippon airways flight was nicer tho. Flight Attendants were also not one bit rude.
    Not even in my half assedest I've ever cooked something as gross as the goo they served on those flights. Probably refrozen food.
    United has the worst plane food and the rudest Air Assistants I've ever had in a flight, holy shit. I didn't get punched out tho.
    I just traveled back in time.
    Crni Vuk
    Crni Vuk
    Japan has robots that take care about old people and grocery stores without human workers after all.
    Most people in Japan are really nice to foreigners. Poor red pillers will get disappointed.
    The first movie in a series being bad was usually a flaw, now it's a feature thanks to "geek culture".
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