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  • Dr Strange helped me avoid Jet lag, by putting me to sleep.
    Deleted member 93956
    Best thing to come out of that movie was Dr. Strange shooting stars.
    Spanish Tourists never like anything and Spain is an Utopia for them. Makes you wonder why they even travel.
    Fried tea tastes foul but Onigiris are delicious.
    Why the hell would anyone in the right mind fry tea?, Tea is for drinking.
    It is a drink.
    Yo, whaddup. I am in the US for the next 4 hours to make a connection to Tokyo.
    Where were you at in the US?
    My friend drove there two days ago from here. 7 to 8 hour drive. Have fun man.
    For the record I don't like Rare plataformers, but faulting a game for delivering on their promises is pretty stupid.
    Crni Vuk
    Crni Vuk
    Also: You didn't deliver what promised, but ... HYPE! 5/5!
    Haven't played the game but according to some people it's just an inferior version of Banjo Kazooie. Some people were expecting something just as good or even better. Something that fixes most of the issues with the Rare 3D platformers. But apparently to some people it didn't do any of that, it's actually worse.

    So that's why some people are dissapointed.
    That's all fine.

    I am talking about the people who have just said "outdated gameplay" "Tou have to collect too much" and such. Kinda like the idiot who said "Persona 5 isn't a handheld so it gets points docked" even tho Persona games have only been on handheld for their remakes.
    "The game that was promised to be an oldschool Rara paltaformer is an Oldschool Rare plataformer 2/10"
    People here in Colombia are so ignorant they can't stop calling Japan China. And it isn't even a joke.
    • Like
    Reactions: Crni Vuk and YeeCop
    Crni Vuk
    Crni Vuk
    The problem is that you're a Cynic and intelligent, like the rest of us. THis means, you see your nation at what it really is. The truth however, every nation out there has this ... Germany too. The average person is stupid as fuck.
    That's the fun of living in Britain. Since it's socially acceptable to not talk to anyone while in public, you never have to interact with stupid people.
    Crni Vuk
    Crni Vuk
    Yes, but those stupid people are allowed to vote. That's the problem.
    What would Luke even teach Rey at this point? She's already like Obi Wan in the prequels level Jedi....
    Yeah... Well... Fuck. Still, ive always thought that the ideologies of the jedi and sith we're both really dumb and childish.
    Well, that's what you get when 70's nerds write lore and then it gets piped down the mind of George Lucas after a bad divorce.
    Basically yeah.
    So, a whole week of almost non stop playing, I still haven't beat Persona 5. I wanted to beat the game before the trip.
    Everybody suddenly becomes a comedian when it comes to sharing hateful beliefs.
    Jokes on you I was only pretending to be racist and homophobic.
    Shit, just 3 days away from my Japan trip and Trump is already poking all the buttons to WW3.
    Whenever I get random discount cupons for games I've never hear of on Steam I just assume they are shit games and never buy them.
    Hitler didn't gas his own people, just jews and gipsys in Holocaust centers - Press Secretary of the most powerful country.
    He only gassed Germans who were behaving ungermanly :V
    Mr Fish
    Mr Fish
    That's just lies. Hitler dindu nuffin wrong.
    Prone Squanderer
    Prone Squanderer
    Guys it's been over 70 years, leave the poor guy alone he's had enough shit thrown at him. Ever since he didn't get into art school he's had nothing but grief.
    I think Jim Sterling is just overcompensating for people telling him FO4 is shit so he just nitpicks better games.
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