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  • Inb4 hurr durre how would you even start to make a scene of putting on a jumpsuit with practical effects?
    Spiderkid or Spidertumor? Are they really making Spidey into Ironman's Robin? That's so stupid...
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    Looks so shitty. What is this like the 3rd spider man reboot now ?
    I like the suit. I like the overall Disney vibe. Looks like fun. Doesnt change the fact that id like an R-ated Spiderman movie with carnage as the villain. Or kingpin.
    People bitched about the ASM Suit, even tho it looked pretty good, here they put some velcro on a halloween costume and everyone loves it. Is Disney lacing the popcorn with something?
    One more week until Persona 5 comes out, and 2 more weeks before I get my vacations.
    Post 2001 Frank Miller is mostly insane blabbering, but these people don't even know about Sin City or his run on Daredevil and DKR1.
    Gotta love those people who talk shit on Frank Millers work even tho they only heard of the guy from idiots like Linkara...
    The fear of Artificial intelligence is stupid, fear the mindless robot that can do repetitive work faster.
    It does make for great Sci-fi stories though. Look at terminator or I have no mouth and I must scream. Those are my two examples.
    Anyone can help me getting Lyrics for a song? Someone asked me for help but the song is kinda new and I can barely get a single word by ear.
    That seems like a pretty stupid base for an assesment on the quality of "New music". Also, you have the internet dude, go to prog archives if you are into Progressive rock or just search for a website that specializes in whatever genre is your preference.
    I dont really have much of a genre preference. Just cant stand rap.
    Dude, some of the best music came out in the past few years. First Fragment, Teramobil, Gorguts, Orgone, Ulcerate, Nero Di Marte, Spawn of Possession... So much great music. And while that's all Metal, there is also stuff like Highlonesome, Graveyard Train, just tons of stuff.
    Nintendo confirms that the bad Switch consoles on release were the result of a manufacturer fucking up on a large batch. Ha! I was right!
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    More believable than they didn't QA.
    If you report on someone's misdeeds you are commiting a worse sin - The wishi washy centrist version of Snitches get stiches.
    Seems like there is now that an intersection of weaboos and white nationalist dipshits...
    "It has nothing to do with race, but americans won't watch a show about japs" People defending Witewash Note.
    Hrmmm... It would appear they are trying to appeal to their target aidience I.e americans rather than making a concious effort to eliminate diversity. HOWEVER I gotta agree this is bullshit anyway...
    It reminds me of dragonball evelotion wherein they had this thing that had been consistently popular for two decades and some asshole comes along and goes "I can make it even better" and proceeds to change shit to the point where it's barely recognizable.
    "Eliminate diversity" = Respect culture outside america. Seems legit.
    "Cute worldwide phenomenon you have there... needs more 'murika so everybody likes it"
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