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  • Apparently tgere is a Chinese god called Yellong Wang.... I just don't know anymore...
    I wanna play Andromeda just to call the character Dick, snicker at Dick Ryder a bit then uninstall it.
    I am gonna spoil Narcos for you guys, Pablo Escobar dies at the end.
    CT Phipps
    CT Phipps
    Funny fact - it's not over as they're moving to the Cali Cartel. I wonder how Columbia's war against them will be somehow won by two Americans the way the Battle of Britain was won by them in Pearl Harbor.
    Escobar died in a shootout on the roofs, that's like out of an Anime.
    But he got killed by Police grunts, wonder how the show is gonna sneak in the migthy American.
    Be happy they won't try to push someone who looks 14 as the new Sarah Connor.
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    I know, I know. I didn't say you said she was 14. Im just saying there's not much wrong with being attracted to a 30 year old woman. Though tbh the character she plays literally is 14 in the books so....
    In any case, 30 or not, she doesn't have the physical pressence to play Sarah Connor. She looks too clean and young.
    Agreed though, like I said, it's probably best to ignore everything after T2 anyways as that's literally the end of terminator 1&2s story. Skynet is prevented. Until T3 just says fuck it skynet happens anyway because the studio needs money.
    Drupal is a bitch to learn, but it does really allow for a lot of cool shit.
    More of a Wordpress kinda guy myself.
    Wordpress is too dumbed down for my taste, you have to rip it open and hack at it's guts to be able to do anything custom.
    fair enough, I just like it for its simplicity and the UI, in my opinion, is more user friendly than Joomla or Drupal.
    So is it just a coincidence that the "Huff"le"Puff" house common room is next to the kitchen?
    Man, these Holidays on mondays really hit the spot.
    Crni Vuk
    Crni Vuk
    Now imagine that we achieved such an efficiency, that actually no one would have to work more than 3 or 4 days per week. If it was just about satisfying the needs of 'usual' people ...
    Nah that wouldn't work for me.
    When racists cite Hispanics as "not born from european culture" do they know from where the Spanish language came to the continent?
    Deleted member 93956
    Firstly they don't even know some basic Roman History. Which is ironic considering parallelisms with the US in particular.
    It may be hard to differentiate "hispanic" from "brown people"
    When racists make any comment on race do they not realise they're full of shit?
    Why does Gametheory think he will replace old media when all his content is analyzing Tv shows and movies...
    Big No
    Big No
    It was cringey when he applauded Bethesda for coming up with the name Fallout.
    "At what age do my earlobes get dettached" I snorted my drink at that one on the YMS Looper review.
    So one character in Andromeda adresses it's poor facial animations with "My face is tired".....
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    Reactions: Crni Vuk and Makta
    top kek.
    Feels like i'm one of the few who never played any of the mass effect games or even had an urge to do so, ohh well! Don't think i'm missing out :P
    Mr Fish
    Mr Fish
    Right, I'm done trying to talk to a fucking child.

    (And I'll listen to the rest of the video while playing a game)
    So I give you quotes and a list someone else compilled of direct quotes and you insist on dismissing it while not watching the video..... Talk about head up the ass.
    B-b-b-but Destiny, and Sjws ruinning my gaems.
    Youtube is on another one of it's Tubepocalypses. No wonder why so many Youtubers are switching to brand sponsors, twitch and patreon...
    Digital painting and technology have really helped Samurai Jack reach it's full visual potential. Every sequence looks amazing.
    "You guys"? So some posts mean the whole forum has the same opinion?
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    Reactions: Crni Vuk
    Honnestly there seem to be only 2 "teams" on these forums when it comes to Fallout at least.. Or well 3 teams if you count me being alone and screaming at both the other teams.
    There are no teams, just a bunch of people with different opinions that coincide at points and differ at others.
    Of course. People on a forum have no personal opinions or ideas, it is all the same for everyone.
    People are so basic that this must be true, right?
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