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  • It started raining 10 minutes before my work hours were over and so just spent 2 and a half hours on a traffic jam. Fun.
    I think the manufacturing of several batches might have been outsourced and the shipping was rushed so several consoles got damaged.
    Dead pixels are normal on brand new electronics, stop being such a bunch of pussies, goooodddd! - Nintendo.
    Didn't they release a public statement when they basically said "Dead pixels are okay guys"?
    Nowadays it seems people online have only two settings Over assuming tunnel vision or limited literalist thinking.
    Due to licensing issues I got a semi day off from the office. A nice impromptu Birthday gift.
    What compels people to still buy cars? Even when living in cities with awful traffic a sucker is always buying a new tin can on wheels...
    Prone Squanderer
    Prone Squanderer
    Here in my car I feel safest of all, I can lock all my doors, it's the only way to live.
    Until the cops give you a ticket for living in your car.
    Mr Fish
    Mr Fish
    Maybe they're masochists and 'want' to get road rage? :/
    Helped a friend pay a Vet bill for his dog who almost asphixiated on some legos, he paid me back but now I am cured of wanting a pet.
    When you understand that everything in the universe produces waste of some kind your narrative posibilities expand ten fold.
    Dr Zaius, Dr Zaius! Dr Zaius, Dr Zaius! Dr Zaius, Dr Zaius! Oh Dr Zaius, Dr Zaius!
    • Like
    Reactions: R.Graves
    ooh help me, dr zaius!
    What's wrong with me?
    I think you are crazy.
    I want a second opinion.
    You are also Lazy!
    The Switch issues come in Orange and blue screens of death (Complimentary color errors, nice), bricked systems and docks scratching screens.
    Joystick connectivity issues too. Needs 6 months maybe 3.
    Call me old fashioned but I never trust wireless anything.
    Seems there are widespread hardware issues with the Switch, remember, don't buy anything on release.
    • Like
    Reactions: TorontoReign
    Learned with the 360.
    You actually need to mind the weather in the New Zelda and there are changes to the map from quests? It's like Bethesda done right.
    Man my typing really used to suck, I was just so full of energy and hope back then. Good thing I got over that, now they are legible.
    Seems Breath of the Wild actually delivers on the "see that mountain? you can climb it" stuff...
    Full review in a few days when I kill myself from playing it non stop. NOW PLAYING. Later bros.
    The matter of wether "why you even play games instead of just breathing and procreating" argument is even worth discussing, my point is that most games that say the "climb any mountain" never deliver, except Breath of the Wild, leave it to Nintendo to actually let you do that and not just be a lie on E3.
    Thing is installing now. Eh. Yeah they lke to come out of nowhere and show peoplewho the top dog is from time to time. You see that mountain over there? There is ACTUALLY A REASON TO GO THERE > Not CAN YOU GO THERE.
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