Walpknut Mar 3, 2017 It's official my Nagas, I have a Japanese Visa. Now it's a straight line until April.
Walpknut Mar 2, 2017 A Club of thugs who play card games all day. I hear the play OCG rules instead of TCG rules, like BARBARIANS!
A Club of thugs who play card games all day. I hear the play OCG rules instead of TCG rules, like BARBARIANS!
Walpknut Mar 2, 2017 I've been shitting too much today. Gotta recheck if any of the groceries has glutten. It feels like I got fucked by my own turds.
I've been shitting too much today. Gotta recheck if any of the groceries has glutten. It feels like I got fucked by my own turds.
Walpknut Mar 1, 2017 What was that video someone shared with a guy in glasses who sounded like his balls never descended screaming about people jacking on socks?
What was that video someone shared with a guy in glasses who sounded like his balls never descended screaming about people jacking on socks?
Walpknut Mar 1, 2017 Does Trump have autism? He seems very fixated on repetitive speech patterns, always having to state X thing is the mos Y in the world.
Does Trump have autism? He seems very fixated on repetitive speech patterns, always having to state X thing is the mos Y in the world.
Walpknut Feb 28, 2017 I was just called a "Grandpa" for telling someone to look at their fucking screen to get the information they were asking.
I was just called a "Grandpa" for telling someone to look at their fucking screen to get the information they were asking.
Walpknut Feb 26, 2017 "My god, Daaad! It's not a phase, this the new me!" - The Arkham Knight's characterization.
T TorontoReign Feb 26, 2017 https://youtu.be/RtNvDfjEbQw More Zelda stuff that makes me want a time machine but hey I waited this long.
https://youtu.be/RtNvDfjEbQw More Zelda stuff that makes me want a time machine but hey I waited this long.
Walpknut Feb 26, 2017 Didnt know there was a 2002 version of the Twilight Zone, the theme song is shit, made by Korn so no surprises there.
Didnt know there was a 2002 version of the Twilight Zone, the theme song is shit, made by Korn so no surprises there.
Walpknut Feb 26, 2017 Why do all the new Yu-gi-oh series keep getting more ridiculously sci fi? What the fuck?
Walpknut Feb 26, 2017 These writters who elebate Batman as THE SYMBOL OF HOPE are probably people who have written self insert fics were Batman fucks them raw.
These writters who elebate Batman as THE SYMBOL OF HOPE are probably people who have written self insert fics were Batman fucks them raw.
Walpknut Feb 26, 2017 And that's how the bat died.... he exploded his mansion for no reason after getting his identetity revealed by some wimpy fuck.
And that's how the bat died.... he exploded his mansion for no reason after getting his identetity revealed by some wimpy fuck.
Walpknut Feb 26, 2017 "It tells a dark story, even by Batman standards" these fucking game journos are such fucking plebs.... Holy shit.
"It tells a dark story, even by Batman standards" these fucking game journos are such fucking plebs.... Holy shit.