Walpknut Feb 25, 2017 Is there a mod to remove tha tank shit and the Joker from the Arkham Knight? I was reminded why I got bored with it pretty fast.
Is there a mod to remove tha tank shit and the Joker from the Arkham Knight? I was reminded why I got bored with it pretty fast.
Walpknut Feb 25, 2017 You know you fucked up your Batman story if I am willfully zoning out on your Joker's dialogue...
Walpknut Feb 25, 2017 What's up with those "youtube collabs" where the two youtubers aren't even on the same room? A Skype chat is now a Crossover?
What's up with those "youtube collabs" where the two youtubers aren't even on the same room? A Skype chat is now a Crossover?
Walpknut Feb 24, 2017 Freedom is the capacity to choose between death or crippling debt because health is highly privatized.
Freedom is the capacity to choose between death or crippling debt because health is highly privatized.
Walpknut Feb 24, 2017 Dragon Quest 8 added 2 new endings for marryimg Jessica, the redhead with huge tits party Member. Money wll spent (?)
Dragon Quest 8 added 2 new endings for marryimg Jessica, the redhead with huge tits party Member. Money wll spent (?)
Walpknut Feb 24, 2017 So.... the switch is just a tablet with controllers and the holder is just a piece of plastic with nothing inside...
So.... the switch is just a tablet with controllers and the holder is just a piece of plastic with nothing inside...
Walpknut Feb 20, 2017 Can you ever make an African American version of the Flash without feeling like you are giving him racist powers?
Can you ever make an African American version of the Flash without feeling like you are giving him racist powers?
Walpknut Feb 20, 2017 Remember that time when it was acceptable for adults to unironically "zombie proof" their houses?
Walpknut Feb 19, 2017 Why did Dragon Ball SUper suddenly become good? what the fuck happened? Did Toriyama get off his Valium or did they stop listening to him?
Why did Dragon Ball SUper suddenly become good? what the fuck happened? Did Toriyama get off his Valium or did they stop listening to him?
Walpknut Feb 19, 2017 I wanted to play For Honor, then it took microtransactions and season passes to the knee.
Walpknut Feb 19, 2017 Some people's lack of ability to use Abstract thought gives me headaches sometimes...
Walpknut Feb 19, 2017 Is being a dipshit always a trait anyone who owns a company have to develop eventually?
Walpknut Feb 19, 2017 Don't be a stupid pig and forget to wash your dishes for 2 days.... like me >.>
Walpknut Feb 18, 2017 Hire a professional, be unhelpful and ignore everything he advices you, then complain you don't like what he made for you.
Hire a professional, be unhelpful and ignore everything he advices you, then complain you don't like what he made for you.
Walpknut Feb 18, 2017 9 years of english later, now I know the Capsichum's monster name is a pun on the chemical that makes peppers spicy, aren't I smarty pants?
9 years of english later, now I know the Capsichum's monster name is a pun on the chemical that makes peppers spicy, aren't I smarty pants?