Walpknut Jan 10, 2017 IF this character is a Mary Sue then this other is because*proceeds to show lack of understanding of basic narrative and what a mary sue is*
IF this character is a Mary Sue then this other is because*proceeds to show lack of understanding of basic narrative and what a mary sue is*
Walpknut Jan 9, 2017 I think I am gonna look into planning a group hike next to get more material. This shit's fun.
Walpknut Jan 9, 2017 The smells, the heat underground, the dripping of the walls and how everything just makes you feel so small, even on a man made structure.
The smells, the heat underground, the dripping of the walls and how everything just makes you feel so small, even on a man made structure.
Walpknut Jan 9, 2017 It wasn't just the photos I got that were useful, the whole experience is stuff you woulnd't actually understand just from reading on it.
It wasn't just the photos I got that were useful, the whole experience is stuff you woulnd't actually understand just from reading on it.
Walpknut Jan 9, 2017 I don't know wether it was the salt in the air or what but I hardly noticed how tired I was from my Mine excursion until I got out.
I don't know wether it was the salt in the air or what but I hardly noticed how tired I was from my Mine excursion until I got out.
Walpknut Jan 9, 2017 Whoever is in charge of the files of the forum, add this to the css Sheet (read reply to this post)
Walpknut Jan 9, 2017 The visual style of the new Shantae game doesn't convince me, somethig got lost in the character designs.
The visual style of the new Shantae game doesn't convince me, somethig got lost in the character designs.
Walpknut Jan 9, 2017 Plot for a movie. Mass black outs start occurrying around the world and nobody knows why. Plot twist, they're in the matrix running gamebryo
Plot for a movie. Mass black outs start occurrying around the world and nobody knows why. Plot twist, they're in the matrix running gamebryo
Walpknut Jan 8, 2017 I sometimes get the urge to learn the GECK and exclusively do really creepy weird mods for FO4 just for shits and giggle. But meeeeeh
I sometimes get the urge to learn the GECK and exclusively do really creepy weird mods for FO4 just for shits and giggle. But meeeeeh
Walpknut Jan 8, 2017 Just came back from 5 hours of walking through a mine, Got some good reference material but my feet are killing me.
Just came back from 5 hours of walking through a mine, Got some good reference material but my feet are killing me.
Walpknut Jan 7, 2017 What does a half dog, half tree NPC does when you click on it on an RPG? He Barks!
Walpknut Jan 6, 2017 Accidentaly wrote an "ñ" in a css sheet and the thing turned into a 35mb monstrosity of garbage characters.
Accidentaly wrote an "ñ" in a css sheet and the thing turned into a 35mb monstrosity of garbage characters.