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  • Tetsuya Nomura is the worst thing to ever happen to Squeenix
    Not sure I can agree since I still like some of their content, but he isn't an influence that needs to be front and center.
    IF this character is a Mary Sue then this other is because*proceeds to show lack of understanding of basic narrative and what a mary sue is*
    I think I am gonna look into planning a group hike next to get more material. This shit's fun.
    The smells, the heat underground, the dripping of the walls and how everything just makes you feel so small, even on a man made structure.
    It wasn't just the photos I got that were useful, the whole experience is stuff you woulnd't actually understand just from reading on it.
    I don't know wether it was the salt in the air or what but I hardly noticed how tired I was from my Mine excursion until I got out.
    Whoever is in charge of the files of the forum, add this to the css Sheet (read reply to this post)
    korin is in charge and doesn't visit often. unlikely that this will happen.
    how low's the resolution gotta be for this to cover the widget?
    Well currently the Body of the forum is styled to be 75% of the current size of the screen but the Google Ad space has a static size in pixels, not in percentages, which I have seen causes it to go over the profile widget. With that code the Ad gets set with a smaller width which prevents it
    Altho a better option would be to increase the width of the wrapper of the forum to occupy 79-80%. I posted both options on a thread on the subforum.
    The visual style of the new Shantae game doesn't convince me, somethig got lost in the character designs.
    So why is the droid in Rougue One called Queso?
    Because it is delicious?
    Deleted member 93956
    Becouse they hadn't the token Latino quota in humans
    I sometimes get the urge to learn the GECK and exclusively do really creepy weird mods for FO4 just for shits and giggle. But meeeeeh
    Just came back from 5 hours of walking through a mine, Got some good reference material but my feet are killing me.
    Big No
    Big No
    I walked from my apartment to the nearest Wal-Mart once. It took seven hours and my lower back ached for a week. Would not do again.
    If I ever wanted to head to the nearest wall-mart, I'd probably have to swim across an entire ocean.
    @Big No. I did that once as well. All I bought was Rick and morty season 2 and a bag of pork rinds. I walked a total of 8 miles. Would also not do again.
    I like that Red Letter media is going full savage on Star Wars fanboys.
    I just don't get why these SW fanboys give a shit what this other group of people think.

    "muh favourite you-toober has a different opinion, oh nose :'( "
    What does a half dog, half tree NPC does when you click on it on an RPG? He Barks!
    Depends on where you click him. *nudge nudge wink wink*
    Remind me not to visit Florida when I travel to the US later this year.
    What about Boston? Is that one expensive too? I am guessing it has lots of history hot spots and all that, also I am a sucker for the Coastal city atmosphere.
    Boston I'm not sure on. If you were going coastal I would go California personally due to the easy Fallout stuff along with easy access to San Fran, LA, Vegas, but it would be expensive as well. Probably not as pricey as New York. I do know Florida is cheaper though.
    Just stay the fuck out of the south where I'm at or we will get you. Haha. It really is like Hills Have Eyes down here. ;)
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