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  • I wanted to maybe try Fart Hardon but the stupid DLC is more expensive than Witcher 3 with all it's DLCs combined. Fuck that.
    Who would've thought the Russian sympathizing president would be a right winger. Action movies from the 80's lied to me.
    we still have Die Hard.
    Doesn't making a second account automatically earn you a regular ban?
    It's not a 2nd account, it's the same as before, but with new name.
    Though lowkey he did have more than one alt-account.
    Yeah, he had a second account. We didn't notice it back then, though, so he didn't get a ban for that. Might be done a posteriori, though. He made it clear that he's not interested in the community anymore, so the ban might as well be permanent if he comes back for spamming.
    Go for the classic "All in all the game has several flaws in design and story, but it's still great 10/10".
    Game Reviewers in a nutshell.
    CT Phipps
    CT Phipps
    Well, that's usually my strategy but the game is making it so hard! I admit, I have only a few games I regret giving high scores. DA:I and Fallout 4 being the big two. Even then I didn't *hate* them.
    Crni Vuk
    Crni Vuk
    Scores, are a garbage System, unless everyone uses the same score system with the same definition. At least when it comes to games, I expect the reviewer to play the game and trying to explain what he saw as good and bad. Not to just dish out an, 9/10! Go buy! NOW! Lotsa fun!
    I met a girl who said she only dated super talented guys. But she only dated hipster photographers with no jobs.... kinda confusing.
    2015 was an average year, some good some bad, but 2016 just came in and shat on the floor and spread it all around in a propelling motion.
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    The Dutch Ghost
    The Dutch Ghost
    Oh forgot about the extreme right, sorry.
    There are extremes in both sides; I'm happy with the "right" coming into power so long as it doesn't descend into fascism. The celebrity deaths were sad. My life was just as shit as it was in 2015. So really the good and bad balance each other out for me.
    Well between the Aleppo situation, the new US president being a bufoon who has even made remarks about increasing the nuclear arsenal of the US and the escalating intensity and frequency of terrorist attacks born out of western meddling with the middle east I'll say all our lives can only get worse from here.
    We actually had a near genocide this year, like holy shit. Are we actually heading into the world of Fallout?
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    Reactions: eissa
    Really? I suppose no matter what is happening in the world... In most places absolutely nothing is happening.
    The Dutch Ghost
    The Dutch Ghost
    Occasionally I think some leaders and influential people saw Mad Max and thought "Man, wouldn't it be cool if that was reality? Lets make it happen!"
    Either that or they heard of Orwell's 1984 and thought that was a guide on how society should be run.
    So uh.... Carrie Fisher is dead now....
    That's sad.
    The Dutch Ghost
    The Dutch Ghost
    I was honestly completely surprised by this. I found out about it while looking on IMDB for movie information. One of the posters in a Star Wars comment section mentioned it.
    At first I thought he was just mistaken and had jumped to conclusions.
    Gotta love 3 hour long meetings where at no point is design of anything discussed. It's not like I have work to progress on or anything...
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    Reactions: Crni Vuk
    The higher ups usually have no idea what is going on.
    So what was discussed?
    Tableau development and implementation of filtters through external scripts. I just had to set a size for the iframe that will contain the tableau window so it doesn't break the page design weeks ago.
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