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  • Then they are crying at Nintendo thinking they have ground to stand on for debating getting their system banned...
    The Dutch Ghost
    The Dutch Ghost
    That is pretty stupid of them, they know that roms are technically illegal and that Nintendo has rights to press charges on those.
    And then complain that they can't go online on Nintendo's network?
    So 4Chan users who got the SuMo rom have been getting their 3DS banned for attempting to go online on their pirated roms of an unreleased gm
    I am more invested in the peace negotiations here to be honest. Trum is as faceless to my situation as all the other US presidents.
    Well I am mostly voicing my displeasure with everybody still acting like fuckboys a week in.
    More like it really makes you get bored of the internet. Welp good time for going on my 3 day spiritual retreat.
    And here I thought the election being over would mean the shitshow would be over, now it's both sides acting like children all over...
    Ace Pilot who is the right hand of a protagonist from the previous movies with his own R2D2 ? Rei Wasn't the only self insert Mary Sue...
    Why was there a "Ace pilot" character in the force awakens when Rey already has all the skills of the original cast combined?
    I overspent at the beginning of the month and had to make due with less than usual, but I did it too well and now I have extra money. wtf.
    I would love to visit some of their gaming stores and novelty restaurants. Of course historical sites as well although I would rather visit China for some of those.
    I'm even gonna go on a diet to prepare for the trip.... so I can eat all the things.
    Take lots of pictures for us.
    Remember when you could watch a Yutube video without the guys trying to sell you a subscription to a Plastic crap in a box service?
    Pepperidge farms remembers and yes that was nice. Now it's just like TV. Except kinda free.
    Why the fuck do this Spambots make threads with randomly generated word salad? Wouldn't it be better to have a pre written pitch?
    I have had a couple of exchanges with con-artists and they are often hilariously bad at their jobs.
    Welp guys, I am officially in the process of getting an American VISA for tourism. Altho it's mostly for the trip to Japan.
    I visited the states once. It was a good trip, I would do it again.
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