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  • Weirdly enough there was also a Pro Russian left wing channel in english seemingly as basic tv in Poland too. That was a fun trip.
    They need two different groups then, one for the Euro-types, and another for the short, little amerindian types :D
    They are usually the mixed ones who are convinced they are 100% european.
    They should go to Spain with that, "Hi, brothers! Yes, I just arrived from Ecuador! Guys... ? What's the rope for?"
    I remember on my trip to Poland where everybody even nice old ladies, could never mention Russia or Putin without insulting them in some way
    Po(o)land is a meme country that shouldn't even exist.
    Apprently they even put in an easter making fun of IGN's ORAS review in one of the minigames.
    IGN gave Pokemon sun and moon a 9, I guess there wasn't so much water on this one, huh?
    Ate a whole Pitaya yesterday and my breakfast was Pitaya yogurt now I am shitting every 2 hours.
    Nope. It's a fruit.
    I know you guys don't eat those unless they are baked into pies, so I understand the confusion.
    I haven't eaten in years. I just inject butter into my cock at this point
    Remember when Littlekuriboh made funny Yu-gi-oh videos? Now all he makes is videos about how depressed he is...
    The only person leaking Pokemon Sun and moon video to youtube just fucking sucks at the game, I guess that keeps me away from spoilers.
    She sings about doing all the boys a favor with her manual labor, and she looks like a granny. Her hands must basically be leather with zits
    Catchy song tho.
    Well every character model in Fo4 looks fucking awful. Why wish Bethesda would ditch that outdated engine.
    So, is Linda Carter's character in FO4 implied to be like the village bicycle of Goodneighbor?
    That isn't really hard tho.
    For 1997/98 games that needed arcade ports, it was pretty good. Plus they had a live dismemberment system- targeting an arm on a zombie with a helmet would render it unable to swipe, giving you more time. Fallout 4 is just... pew pew pew. Boss fights had special moves and weren't just "would you like to roll a dice to get rid of this guy or pew pew pew?"
    For 1997/98 games that needed arcade ports, it was pretty good. Plus they had a live dismemberment system- targeting an arm on a zombie with a helmet would render it unable to swipe, giving you more time. Fallout 4 is just... pew pew pew. Boss fights had special moves and weren't just "would you like to roll a dice to get rid of this guy or pew pew pew?"
    Remember when Psylocke looking exactly like in the comics was actually spun into a controversy?
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    Reactions: Mr muggyman 3000
    Mr muggyman 3000
    Mr muggyman 3000
    Yeah i remember that. There was also a lot of sjws crying about a billboard showing apocalypse(A FUCKING bad guy) manhandeling mystique they said it was pro"violence against women" or some shit like that
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