Walpknut Oct 19, 2016 People datamined the SunMoon Demo, and they confirmed HMs are gone. Good Riddance.
Walpknut Oct 17, 2016 Seems all you need to do to get praise from writters is slapping some topical labels on your protagonist, don't worry about characterization
Seems all you need to do to get praise from writters is slapping some topical labels on your protagonist, don't worry about characterization
Walpknut Oct 17, 2016 Then again, we live in the world were FO4 is praised for "representing" Poli amori relationships and held up as deep and progressive...
Then again, we live in the world were FO4 is praised for "representing" Poli amori relationships and held up as deep and progressive...
Walpknut Oct 17, 2016 Si am seeing lots of people praising Bojack Horsehitman for it's "Representation" even tho every character is one diemsional.
Si am seeing lots of people praising Bojack Horsehitman for it's "Representation" even tho every character is one diemsional.
Walpknut Oct 17, 2016 Well, like with all the complex stuff I prepare, it doesn't look pretty but it tastes awesome. Not bad for my first Lasgna.
Well, like with all the complex stuff I prepare, it doesn't look pretty but it tastes awesome. Not bad for my first Lasgna.
Walpknut Oct 17, 2016 Everyone lost the ability to perceive things with nuance. Gotta fit my philosophy in 140 or less.
Walpknut Oct 17, 2016 Oh my god, is shitty writting from a bad south park sketch leaking into the real world?
Walpknut Oct 17, 2016 "I haven't watched the show, I just like theories" this is what Internet content has bred?
Walpknut Oct 16, 2016 Pokeymans Sun and Moon Demo in 2 days. Then it's a month until release and I have a day off stored to no life it the whole weekend.
Pokeymans Sun and Moon Demo in 2 days. Then it's a month until release and I have a day off stored to no life it the whole weekend.
Walpknut Oct 16, 2016 Because I paid a Netflix subscription. And someone insisted the second season was better.
Walpknut Oct 16, 2016 This show feels like an alien made it but said alien is trying really hard to make it seem like a Regular Human Sitcom with topical "jokes".
This show feels like an alien made it but said alien is trying really hard to make it seem like a Regular Human Sitcom with topical "jokes".
Walpknut Oct 16, 2016 Why does this show insist on having drama? With how one dimensional every character is it just comes off as shallow.
Why does this show insist on having drama? With how one dimensional every character is it just comes off as shallow.
Walpknut Oct 16, 2016 DB Xenoverse is just the shittiest Dragon Ball ever. Why do I keep playing it? What's happening to me? Fuck....
DB Xenoverse is just the shittiest Dragon Ball ever. Why do I keep playing it? What's happening to me? Fuck....