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  • Francis H, that was my xperience with Dr Pepper when I went to the UK. We've never had Cherry Coke in LatAm
    Game runs relly good tho, combat is fun altho the new PC keybindgs are kind of weird. If only the batmobile wasn't so prominent....
    Holy shit, the Batmobile controls like Dogshit and the tank portions are so boring, why is this in a Batman game?
    • Like
    Reactions: Francis H
    Big No
    Big No
    Tank portions are the most common criticism I've seen about AK. Way too many of them.
    The riddler is my favorite batman enemy. Love dem puzzles. He's moves into kind of jigsaw role in AK which I thought was awesome.
    Also, if all you have to draw is a mouse then use vectors and not Ms paint, never use ms paint...
    Bough Arkham Knight, they are basically begging people to buy it with the current price.
    Mr muggyman 3000
    Mr muggyman 3000
    The game's shit that's why it's so cheap. The game is 80%shitty batmobile gameplay,and 20% shitty plot twist ending
    I liked it.
    Big No
    Big No
    It gives a good challenge with the hand-to-hand combat from what I've read, a large amount of mook types and such.
    I can run Witcher 3 on high with firefox open while I download stuff and it runs great. FO4 crashes if anything else is open on medium...
    "A proper modern videogame" sounds like the kind of thing you don't want to be.
    ... I would also rather have a new vegas walp. But GTA V is genuinely fun to me. I never really did any of the activities tbh. And I've not played uncharted 4.
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    Reactions: Kremin
    Deleted member 93956
    If i wanted to watch an Indiana Jones movie, and stop for Assasin's Creed and The Order 1886 every little once in a while, i wouldn't pay 60$ for the movie...
    Yeah, i get bored instantly on GTA, but i know that with a good bunch of buddies and the custom games there is fun for days. And i haven't seen anything of the campaign, so i can't say how good is it.
    Yeah once you finish a GTA games campaign its sorta over. But GTA has always had fun character and situations. At least since vice city...
    it's funny how apologists would call aping what is popular "trying new things". That sounds like the opposite of that.
    To be fair they were technically "Trying New Things" as far as the series goes, its just that those new things were mainstream, and dumb enough to pander to there unintelligent audience.
    Fallout 4 went from Mostly Positive to Mixed, Merry Christmas Toddy boy.
    Black Angel
    Black Angel
    Only the Recent reviews, not the Overall. But still, they're pretty close. Thing is, Bethesda, let alone Todd, most probably didn't care for PC audience anymore. Console is where it's at, 4.5/5 out of 5 stars ratings for Vault-tec Workshop DLC, on Xbox and PS Store respectively? Jeez.
    Welp my weekly Witcher 3 session has come to a close, did a lot of stuff, got elite armors and completed the Kaer Morhen Battle.
    Is it gonna be another shaky cam snorefest where Godzilla barely appears and the americans take the spotlight like the last one?
    They did that shit again? Fuck I though after the 98 Godzilla they'd fix that shit in the 2014 one.
    Apparently it's getting really positive reviews in the Japanese media. However fans are REALLY divided on how it's portrays Godzilla and his new set of powers. He is still an unstoppable force of nature in this movie but....well let's just say given who the director of the films is, expect some REALLY bizzare and disturbing things.
    Also I will agree that while overall Godzilla 2014 was infinitely better than the 1998 film, Godzilla is basically a guest star in his own movie. To be fair however, he absolutely stole the spotlight every scene he was in.
    Because I see that sometimes it will take a while for thrist to increase, but then I'll get thristy right after drinking...
    Is FO4's survival mode even based on values or does it just apply negative effects on you on a set time?
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