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  • I just bought games on a steam sale in a row without having to check with someone else. Finally
    The New Zelda is all about hunting and crafting... soon every game will be the same opensandbox Farcry clone....
    It's a phase. Just like in the recent past there was zombie games everywhere. With luck the market will saturate in a couple of years and different types of games will appear or re-appear...
    I am too optimistic for my own good sometimes.
    I had gone 2 weeks only drinking diet milk shakes for dinner. Last night I ate regular food for dinner and I'm feeling like shit this mornin
    So the US might elect a white supremacist and the UK left the EU while Colombia's peace treaty succeeded... Are these the end times?
    But now that there is a peace treaty those plans seem like they would see an increase in sign ups.
    Actually there are several campaigns to reintegrate insurgents into society, they have existed for a while to encourage informants
    To Colombians this nconflict has been he status quo since before they were born, and now it's over.
    The 52 year long Colombian conflict with several rvolutionary paramilitar organizations
    There some other armed groups, but the big one has agreed to an immediate cease fire, this shit doesn't feel real...
    Holy shit guys, the peace negotiations went through... The 52 year long war is over...
    I dreamt last night that I got a baby cat that liked to bite my fingers. Woke up and realized there was no cat and I got sad.
    Welp my refund was rejected, I guess I'll just have to find a way to amke Witcher 2 work...
    I've never liked Square's emo narratives and generic worlds dolled up with Visual Kei and gratutious foreign language.
    Welp if Witcher 2 isn't even going to Launch I am gonna refrain from buying Witcher 3 and having the same issue...
    Anyon knows how to make Witcher 2 launch at all?
    Black Angel
    Black Angel
    Did you get it from Steam or GOG? If from GOG, usually they got some thread to discuss the fixes on there forum. I don't have any of the Witcher games, tho, sorry if I can't help much.
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