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  • Is there any way to opt out of the stam trading cards?
    I don't think so. Although why would you want to? They're not worth much but it never hurts to make a few cents flipping them on the community market. Do that enough and poke around during a sale and you can end up getting a game practically free.
    I am tired of getting notifications for stuff I am not using for anything. I get common cards only anyway so I doubt anyone would even pay a cent for any of them.
    You'd be shocked. I've put up cards worth like 5 cents and they sold almost immediately.
    Sony did have a good conference, is just that I don't care about most of what they showed, but at least it wasn't Microsoft's fart.
    Not even a fan of Call of Booty, but why even keep calling it so if it's just an outright sci fi shooter? Just make a new IP.
    Cerberus, No shit, it's almost as if it was some kind of convention to show off products or something.
    I have seen a lot of people excited for both of the fluff Item packs DLC, never overestimate people's standards.
    How would you build a Vault post war? The Commonwealthers can't even sweep dried up leaves...
    the institute could excavate their bases deep and more deeper.
    Made a new PyroSorcerer character in Dark Souls and I am just killing shit that took me hours before in one try...
    People don't realize that doing this is just as condescending as being a classits douchebag.
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