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  • If you leave the cell the Factory items stop creating objects. Great DLC there Beth, I have a Junk workbench on my game from a free mod...
    So if I gt this straight, Contraptions adds a bunch of Junk spawners to supposedly automatize it, but you still have to be on the same cell.
    Welp Fallout 4 update dropped today, I guess the Script Extender and all my mods just broke just so they can fix they bethesda net shit...
    Well, it's your personal desicion to give money to something you want to support or not.
    Exactly. That's what bugs. Because ultimately all we can do is Bitch and moan y'know?
    Well, if we can have our own opinions it would stand to reason others can too right? Or do you want to be able to force people to like what you like?
    No. I just want fallout 4's fan base to fuck off back to call of duty. So I Can have fallout back. Variety is the spice of life and all that but not when unique IPs become a another generic FPS. I Like me some casual mindless fun. But fallout was different.
    Inafune didn't say is better than nothing, but I guess an actual quote doesn't get as many hits and memes.
    Why is Migthy Numbr 9 getting so thrashed? It looks pretty alright with some nicea ideas.
    Now Shaun is always either limping or on the ground in "dramatic moments", this is how you enjoy FO4, exploiting it's stupidity.
    I discovered that Shaun activly recovers HP on th background. And the Institute quest only fails when he dies.
    Combat is so forced and constant that there is no sense of tactics and melee is just as terrible as in 3 if not worse.
    And it evn uses awful shit that doesn't belong in Fallout like offscreen spawning enemies and horde sequences with Ghouls that make no sense
    Fallout 4 has "decent shooting" that gets repetitive fast because the game never has any variety
    The writting and quest design in Fo4 is even worse than in 3. At least 3 didn't send you pick up a bunch of trash to complete main quests.
    Was watching Hunter x Hunter... got to episode 50 and just gave up, I can't take two tournament arcs with so little story.
    Well I ain't going to extract my testicles from my ballsack to ride the bus, now ain't I?
    If you are going for the ilegal stuff why settle for the shittiest one? Get a better cut than bacon.
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