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  • The electricsl bill went way up las month despite me actively reducing my power usage... But the pres got some pocket change so is fine...
    Awesome, my amazing government is privatizing YET ANOTHER thing. Because an electricity crisis wasn't enough...
    Anyone knows how to set up microsites in Joomla? Multi sites doesn't seem to support Joomla 3.0....
    The only thing people in Zombie stories seem able to coordinate is abandoning everything at the same time.
    Why are people in Zombie stories always walking around going nowhere?
    Stone Cold Robert House
    Stone Cold Robert House
    Gotta move to find food - you can't use supermarkets anymore. Though to be honest, the best strategy would be to just wait until zombies just fell apart or were killed by animals considering rotting limbs won't get you far.
    If only there was a way to produce food while remaining stationary. It should be called something like Farming or something.
    Altho I doubt they would even need to resort to farming, the last thing that can survive staying in the open for too long is a corpse. Between weather, animals, insects and just the decay itself Zombies wouldn't last more than a couple of days, and they would grow weaker every passing hour.
    Drupal is still unnecessarily obtuse, even if I can use it for great effect now, it still is a pain in the ass
    When you can't buy the premium Plugins, web design requires a lot of obfuscating complicated shit.
    If I go back to working freelance I would be able to cover more ground now. This job is exhausting but I have learned a lot.
    I personally hate how Windows 8 and 10 just try so hard to be smartphones... What was wrong with the classic desktop interface?
    My boss' name is Cesar and it's mostly dudes in the office and we are always super busy, am I part of Caesar's Legion?
    Dr Fallout
    Dr Fallout
    Pray so because the Legion is mighty.
    Only a few explode in the base FONV, there are more explosive cars in Lonesome Road. But I always shoot the cars just to check.
    I on the other hand always check which cars actually are able to explode in NV and FO4, in FO4 that's the only thing that keeps me awake.
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