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  • My god Survival mode is just garbage, they obviously didn't really test this thing at all the PC must have diarreah.
    Did Bethesda do anything to the game on a patch? The existence of FalloutCustom.ini crashes the game but without it I can0t run mods...
    Then I got to the googly eyed motherfuckes....
    lol the basilisks are a bitch. That area is optional though in case you didn't know
    Got into The Depths in Dark Souls, everything was going alright, even cheesed the Giant rat through the bars...
    Welp Fallout 4 doesn't even want to let me load files despite doing exactly Nothing to it since last time I played it a month ago...
    Had to move my pc to the new office it started rainning and got the worst dry coughing fit of my life....
    I feel like I am buying drugs through a backdoor website trying to pay Steam with a debit card....
    Leave it to Steam to finally include a Debit card option... and make it through the most dysfunctional way possible...
    The worst metal songs are the ones that have to remind you they are so metuuuhl on the lyrics.
    I hate the ones that just scream about rage and demons and shit. What are you so angry about?
    I am as excited for P5 as the next guy but people should stop crowning games as kings of a genre before they even play them...
    Never update to the newest Windows Version. EVER. Always run at least 2 versions prior.
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