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  • Has any writter ever tackled the premise of a Quantum Disease or can I still use that without being called a plagiarist?
    I might steal that idea from you anyway. ;)
    It sucks when shit breaks, you don't realize how much that shit is gonna cost and it hits you. Home repairs in particular.
    I guess 2 Years as a Freelancer taught me how to me frugal and distribute money over long periods of time
    Stone Cold Robert House
    Stone Cold Robert House
    What did you work with as a freelancer?
    Graphic Design / Web Design
    Stone Cold Robert House
    Stone Cold Robert House
    That's cool. I freelanced as a photographer for a while. Terrible in terms of money but a decent way to develop skills without too much pressure.
    So what up guys? How's your afternoon going?
    Grrreeeaaatttt! *Tony the Tiger voice*
    Well beards host a lot of bacteria so something probably died.
    Stone Cold Robert House
    Stone Cold Robert House
    Besides bacteria they also host MANLINESS. Beards are a staple of male confidence and strength much like an axe, Guinness beer, and Clint Eastwood. I can't imagine how my girlfriend will react to that loss.
    Fallout 3's plot is about people forgetting how to filter water and somehow surviving for 200 years drinking irradiated water
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