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  • Why do people now call the Followers of the Apocalypse pacifists when they openly employ armed guards and Arcade is anything but a Pacifist?
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    Reactions: Black Angel
    Because Arcade acts like a pussy.
    He is the second best companion.
    Several copies of Pokemon Legends Arceus got sold early, but all leakers still can't hold a phone steady or use the Switch capture button.
    One really edgy guy I know is real busy talking about Pokemon on Codex right now. I'm not even gonna say anything.
    Humans are the only species in Mass Effect who don't exclusively wear leather or heavy armor at all times. That's why the reapers fear us.
    Atomic Postman
    Atomic Postman
    I think the Krogans pose an interesting sci-fi ethical problem. Them and the Salarians come as peas in a pod because the Genophage is good sci-fi
    Mordin is the best character in the series, and ridoculously well written in general, makes all other character feel so simplistic just by being around, might be why they kill him so early into the 3rd game.
    I had no interest in Mordin since most of the salarians were boring but damn did he turn in to one of my top 3 characters near the end of the second game!

    Also biotic volus god master race!
    Finally made this Huawei Nova 8i work like if it had google services. I was about to return it.
    I prefer a hybrid of socialism with a market based economy.
    Spoken like a true Communist. ;)
    Black Angel
    Black Angel
    Aren't communists people with communication disorder?
    It's weird people say Souls games should have an easy mode for people who want to experience the lore, nobody gives a fuck about the lore.
    Do they make electric cars all stupid looking on purpose?
    It's made for limp wristed people that live in California.
    I don't get what is stopping them from simply putting an electric engine on a regular sports car and the like, other than direct interference to make electric cars as unappealing as possible and help Musk keep his niche for his shitty cars.
    Because electric engines cost more to maintain due to being special meaning you can no longer fix your own car.
    How come games keep fucking up character creation menus with bizarre lighting choices? This is one point Bethesda does get right.
    Just make it evenly lit, no need for weird hard shadows and backlighting when I am trying to see how the character looks, specially when this type of lighting isn't used anywhere else in normal gameplay.
    They got him boys! *checks name off list*
    Weebs be like "don't watch that exciting show with political intrigue and overarching narrative, watch this fanservice schoolgirl show"
    Black Angel
    Black Angel
    And if it turns out to be good enough, it deserves a spot on my bookmark. So now I currently have nearly 500 bookmarked links I have to keep tabs on. As if my gaming backlog isn't making me 'busy' in my spare time already
    Big No
    Big No
    Supposedly the reason some anime have ultra long titles is because in Japan those anime were adapted from manga that had the ultra long title instead of a synopsis on the back. Tells you everything you need to know in one sentence.
    Black Angel
    Black Angel
    @Big No and in turn, the manga was adapted from either a Light Novel or Web Novel. Sometimes they got both of those, either with different endings or different key points of the story. Yeah, this is probably what happens when you nuked a country twice, folks.
    I really hate when I have to uninstall the drivers completely to update them because Nvidia gforce just poops itself.
    Try not using Nvidia anymore next time. Then again that is when AMD will shit the bed right when you buy their new card or something.
    Dark and Gritty Fresh Prince of Bel-air series? Fuck it.... YEAH BRING IT!
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    Reactions: TJQKA
    I don't know but apparently Dan like to mainline heroin due to his failing news career.
    Gibbler is a hooker. Steph is a trans gender robot.
    Dark and Gritty Archie Bunker
    Finished my Mass Effect Marathon (with mods) and had fun, but I wish there were more sci fi stories that avoided monocultural aliens.
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    Reactions: TorontoReign
    That would require actual worldbuilding and talent.
    It's funny the meme about VIn Diesel is that he cares a lot about his family of friends, when every actor in those movies seem to hate him.
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    Reactions: TorontoReign
    Roid junkies have huge egos. Now turn them into movie stars and you get...MASSIVE HUGE EGOS. The Rock is right.
    Dude does seem like a massive tool.
    Why has no one copied the cqc combat from Butcher Bay? Very strange that it was a one and done.
    "Sctott Pilgrim anime in the works" Ewwwww "Science Saru is the one making the animation" SON OF A BITCH! FUck you I am in...
    The Bogandoff twins died of Covid? Damn, this shit is series finale stuff.
    The french guys with the fucked up plastic surgery.
    Oh right. Believe it or not I thought they were fake until they died due to just not caring and seeing the memes.
    Hot take, ME3 is the more enjoyable to play entry in the trilogy, ME2 has the best plot, and ME1.... Is there.
    No idea why it would be filler in any way, ME3 is basically all built up on the stuff introduced in 2, namely Cerberus and the Illusive man, Mordin and Legion. And well even of it was filler, it is the more interesting of the 3 plots with better characters. In ME1 the plot is kinda wonky, not helped by the awkwad presentation of it and in 3 it has it's moments but it isn't really as consistent as 2 with anything.
    Atomic Postman
    Atomic Postman
    Cerberus was so out of character in 3 that their presentation is inconsistent with that of 2, and on top of that nothing of concequence happens in 2s story outside of the Arrival DLC. You can cut straight from the end of 1 and to 3 with very little outside of the side characters having changed
    If you cut out 2 then who is Mordin and why does he know about curing the Genophage? Also a friendly Geth called Legion? And who is the Illusive man who is now the secondary antagonist?
    Part 5 is a less enjoyable version of Part 3. Glad Part 6 and 7 try something completely different.
    Part 5 and 3 have virtually the exact same format and ploting, but Part 3 is enjoyable because it is dumb fun and the cursaders are funny and badass and have good chemsitry, there are also recurring gags. But Bucciarati is basically the only character with any interesting characterization, with maybe Mista.
    Most of the others barely have any chemistry with each other to the point that they even drop one of the main characters halfway through after he did literally nothing after his only fight, and Giorno starts out interesting but his characterization basically fades into nothing after a while, making him a very uncompelling protagonist.
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