Walpknut Dec 16, 2021 If Spidey's cum is deadly radioactive, should't this mean all his fluids are and therefore he should be constantly emiting radiation?
If Spidey's cum is deadly radioactive, should't this mean all his fluids are and therefore he should be constantly emiting radiation?
Walpknut Dec 15, 2021 I might start looking into buying a house next year. Gotta be big enough to have 4 cats in it.
Walpknut Dec 14, 2021 I get that a ratio is when your wity reply gets more likes than the op, but why do some people just say "ratio" as a wity reply? am I old?
I get that a ratio is when your wity reply gets more likes than the op, but why do some people just say "ratio" as a wity reply? am I old?
Walpknut Dec 13, 2021 There should be a faction of italian Ghouls in the next fallout called the Gabba Ghouls.
Walpknut Dec 13, 2021 You can't take snapshots or replays during the last dungeon of SMTV. Kinda stupid, why does Atlus do that? No other game does this.
You can't take snapshots or replays during the last dungeon of SMTV. Kinda stupid, why does Atlus do that? No other game does this.
Walpknut Dec 13, 2021 Figures the girl with "kami" on her name wouldn't stay dead, and reincarnate as a goddes... kind of a New Reincarnation of the Godess. Ah?
Figures the girl with "kami" on her name wouldn't stay dead, and reincarnate as a goddes... kind of a New Reincarnation of the Godess. Ah?
Walpknut Dec 11, 2021 Real Paper Mario on Switch. I am gonna be all Jrpg'd out on December and January Holy fuck.
Walpknut Dec 10, 2021 Why does Amanda Whaler look like female MCU Nic Fury? Isn't she supposed to be fat?
Walpknut Dec 10, 2021 Oui oui, go have za children they are the best thing in ze world. And then get divorced because of them like in my game Oui oui.
Oui oui, go have za children they are the best thing in ze world. And then get divorced because of them like in my game Oui oui.
Walpknut Dec 9, 2021 So many of these "Superhero settings but subverted" recently tend to be so shit. Except the Boys, which is ironic because the source is shit
So many of these "Superhero settings but subverted" recently tend to be so shit. Except the Boys, which is ironic because the source is shit
Walpknut Dec 9, 2021 Is the only good episode of Supercrooks the first one? This thing is so insufferable.
Walpknut Dec 9, 2021 I reached the point in SMT5 where I am basically an unstoppable death god now, and I still get fucked over by unlucky crits.
I reached the point in SMT5 where I am basically an unstoppable death god now, and I still get fucked over by unlucky crits.