Walpknut Apr 12, 2018 Why are all those youtube videos for babies that get ad space so weirdly creepy?
Walpknut Apr 12, 2018 "If you kill yourself how are you gonna eat food and play games?" A quote to live by.
Walpknut Apr 9, 2018 Watching Pulp Fiction in HD, when Vincent gives Mia the Adrenaline shot, you can tll her chest skin is of a different color.
Watching Pulp Fiction in HD, when Vincent gives Mia the Adrenaline shot, you can tll her chest skin is of a different color.
Walpknut Apr 9, 2018 To this day, the foulest soft drink I've ever tasted has to be Dr. Pepper, easily. No idea how people can drink that sludge.
To this day, the foulest soft drink I've ever tasted has to be Dr. Pepper, easily. No idea how people can drink that sludge.
Walpknut Apr 2, 2018 Creating a hashtag on twitter to announce their intention of erasing their FB account to protect their privacy, Self Awareness level: -10.
Creating a hashtag on twitter to announce their intention of erasing their FB account to protect their privacy, Self Awareness level: -10.
Walpknut Mar 28, 2018 Buying the individual DLC characters in FighterZ is cheaper than the season pass... at least in the Colombian Steam store.
Buying the individual DLC characters in FighterZ is cheaper than the season pass... at least in the Colombian Steam store.
Walpknut Mar 28, 2018 One thing Gen Xers, Baby Boomers and Milenials can come together an do is to uselessly bitch about other people's allergies.
One thing Gen Xers, Baby Boomers and Milenials can come together an do is to uselessly bitch about other people's allergies.
Walpknut Mar 27, 2018 Why is James Cameron still going on about Avatar? The movie came out almost 10 years ago, does anyone even care about it at this point?
Why is James Cameron still going on about Avatar? The movie came out almost 10 years ago, does anyone even care about it at this point?
Walpknut Mar 23, 2018 Ever since TB turned into a Complainer about difficulty and promoter of audiobooks I find I can't take any of his opinions as worth anything
Ever since TB turned into a Complainer about difficulty and promoter of audiobooks I find I can't take any of his opinions as worth anything
Walpknut Mar 17, 2018 At some point the Pokemon fabase changed the meaning of "evience" to be a synonym of "Baseless speculation".
At some point the Pokemon fabase changed the meaning of "evience" to be a synonym of "Baseless speculation".
Walpknut Mar 15, 2018 The Batman Tell Tale game actually has a cool origin for the Joker without stealing from the Killing Joke.
The Batman Tell Tale game actually has a cool origin for the Joker without stealing from the Killing Joke.
You're legally an adult at 18 here and your parent can legally neglect you at this point.