Recent content by yester64

  1. Y

    Replaying Wasteland

    I actually play this game the very first time. Even though i had a C64 at the time i did not came around rpg's. So i totally missed this and now, with an emulator, i replay it. Its fun so far but i need to get used to how things work, or more specific how the game works like healing over time...
  2. Y

    Done one run > The Yes Man

    Well problem is, two quest require already that house dies. The only benefit of house alive is, that you get rich and that the waste is securely controlled via bots. I still favored Yes man over all the other endings. It seemed to be a better win for everyone. Sadly, the followers suffered by...
  3. Y

    Done one run > The Yes Man

    I killed them too. But i needed the help of the Fatman. Btw. can you, by loosing the quest 'renter unto cesar' still do the ending with the legion?
  4. Y

    Done one run > The Yes Man

    I finished completing with 3 endings. To be honest, i think the Yes Man is the better ending so far. My path of finishing went like this. 1) Yes Man 2) NCR 3) Mr. House or from ok to worst. But i haven't tried the legion so far. So can not say about that. I assume it ranks 4.
  5. Y

    Quickest path to love the legion

    Hi, some days ago i deleted some of my saves. By doing that, i erased also my possibility to do the legion quests. The quest 'renter unto cesar' already failed in my list. What would be the quickest way to make it to the end with the legion? don't want to replay again 20 hours. I already...
  6. Y

    Done one run > The Yes Man

    Hi, just finished the game and i choose to align with the yes man. It took me 85 hours to finish my first run with one ending and besides the numerous freezes the game gave me, i am pleased so far. What did not make sense really, was [spoiler:82e979a00c]that death npc's returned to tell what...
  7. Y

    Level Cap - To easy?

    For some reason i fell i should bought the PC version of the game. I think the levels and XP should be related to everything explorable. So if that means, that you don't level much up if you just walk the main quest, this should be good. But now you already maxed out the levels and still did...
  8. Y

    Level Cap - To easy?

    Hi, i played so far 60 hours and haven't finished the game. But now i am already at level 30. So no more xp for me. I wonder if it would not be better to have a slower progress in leveling. Now with no xp anymore it takes out a little the fun. How do you judge this. But i have to add...
  9. Y

    Worst glitch ever (or are there more?)

    I found a real serious glitch in the game. This is played on a X360 version and the location is between 'Raul's Shack' and 'Brotherhood of Steel Safehouse'. [spoiler:337b0f0fc7]Its a tunnel with train rails going into the mountain. You see the arch from far way. If you go inside, there...
  10. Y

    Neutral Path?

    I do have that weapon with these mods. :) But i also have the Gobi Rifle. To the point. Yes, i meant to be aligned with all fractions neutral or positive. For me its now a hate relationship with the Legion. But that was Boone's fault. Bad Boone. My friend still maintains a fairly neutral...
  11. Y

    Neutral Path?

    I was wondering if you can be neutral in the game and get all quests at the same time? So far, i am not neutral at all. But a friend of mine is and stands with all fraction on the positive.
  12. Y

    My issues with New Vegas

    My issues with the game are purely technical so far. To many glitches and freezes. And long loading times. :(
  13. Y

    Will Obsidian make another FO?

    Just to get back to the NPC's. Yes they do have a story. The 'invisible' quest failed after some time, so i had to talk to Boone. And it pops out that he had its story of its own. Should pay more attention to that. I like FNV more and more and i hope that the next one will be like this or...
  14. Y

    who did you side with on your first playthrough

    Well, i went also NCR. Altough i would also happily join the Followers of the Apocalypse since they were so selfless. But i haven't finished yet. 40 hours and counting just walking through the desert.
  15. Y

    Will Obsidian make another FO?

    Well i only hope there will next time not so many glitches. Seriously, it happen to me 2 times that i went into a texture and did not find the exit. (360) Both were in either a cave or a mountain. Other than that, i am looking forward to the next title. I wonder if you might be able to...