Will Obsidian make another FO?

Well i only hope there will next time not so many glitches.
Seriously, it happen to me 2 times that i went into a texture and did not find the exit. (360)
Both were in either a cave or a mountain.

Other than that, i am looking forward to the next title.
I wonder if you might be able to travel across states.
The Dutch Ghost said:
Honestly man, that is not funny.

I agree, a human sacrifice would have been much more appropriate.

In all honesty, though, I'm with the people who claim that Bethesda was just throwing the hardcore Fallout fans a bone. We probably won't see a Fallout game with this kind of quality for a long, long time.

It's at times like this that I recall Roshambo telling us to leave the series in search for another.
generalissimofurioso said:
There are an alarming number of mods to make things in New Vegas more like Fallout 3.

You know, combined with all the nudes, miniguns that shoot nukes and real-world gun mods that proliferate in these sorts of games.

As there an alarming number of mods that tried to make FO3 act like FO 1/2? :roll:

As for FO4, there are good ideas in FO3 terrible executed, like Riley Rangers, Outcasts or the Capital Wasteland BoS abandoning the Codex and persuing their own path.
The Pitt have a very good story and side-quests, only lacking more dept.
They could write better stories for factions and plots, as well their motivations.

Others ideas were simple dumb, like Little Lamplight, Ghouls being a sign of the devil or Talon Mercs wanting to kill me simply because I exist.
At least Legion's assassins HAVE a reason for chasing me (depending of my choices, of course).

I want to see more FO games like NV, for me FO3 was "yes, it's good and fun, casual game...next, please".
I'm really hooked in FNV, there are problems in the game of course, like forcing the path I choose sometimes (inexcusable!), but overall is a very inteligent game.

Excuse my english, is not my primary language.
Yes, they introduced a lot of secondary factions in FO3 but they recycled the FO1&2 factions for primary use.
Indeed, Riley's Rangers and Talon Mercs were a good start point.
Also The Pitt is the best thing in FO3. Except invincible kids.
Thomas de Aynesworth said:
I'm with the people who claim that Bethesda was just throwing the hardcore Fallout fans a bone.

The good/bad news is that it's very unlikely Bethesda cares enough about "hardcore Fallout fans" to be throwing any bones at them. There simply aren't enough of those to produce a multi-million-dollar game for. Whatever their reasons for handling FONV they way they did, that certainly wasn't one of them.

If nothing else, FO4 will likely incorporate changes introduced between FO3 and FONV that have received critical acclaim.

There have been several interviews with members of the FONV team - has anyone simply asked what's planned for FO4?
kaelef said:
Thomas de Aynesworth said:
I'm with the people who claim that Bethesda was just throwing the hardcore Fallout fans a bone.

The good/bad news is that it's very unlikely Bethesda cares enough about "hardcore Fallout fans" to be throwing any bones at them. There simply aren't enough of those to produce a multi-million-dollar game for. Whatever their reasons for handling FONV they way they did, that certainly wasn't one of them.

If nothing else, FO4 will likely incorporate changes introduced between FO3 and FONV that have received critical acclaim.

There have been several interviews with members of the FONV team - has anyone simply asked what's planned for FO4?

I disagree, Bethesda has reacted in very extreme ways to the old guard of Fallout fans who generally disliked Fallout 3. It stands to reason that a few months after Fallout 3 was released, waves of pro-Fallout 3 fans and anti-Fallout 1 and 2 fans joined NMA. Every so often you still see them, clamouring for people to stop making fun of Fallout 3.

Bethesda is extremely conscious of internet related feedback on their games, considering how many videos of trailers and gameplay that have been pulled from YouTube before NV's release. Thousands of Fallout fans have spread their general dislike about Fallout 3 compared to the first two, on various places across the internet. I think Bethesda chose Obsidian as a developer based on this feedback, though perhaps not completely.
I would honestly like that to be the case, Zenimax Bethesda originally choosing Obsidian to make a spin off based on the negative reactions a lot of old school Fallout fans gave Fallout 3.

I do not mean it as an attack on Fallout 3 fans as persons, but when it comes to game I am honestly of the opinion that they do not have taste when it comes to design, gameplay, storyline and so on.

Honestly, those people did not need Fallout.
If they were fans of the genre they could have decided to pick up Fallout 1 and 2 to see what it was like, and not having Fallout changed to resemble an earlier favorite of theirs; TES Oblivion.

I hope Obsidian will continue with the main series and oversee the spin offs.
The Dutch Ghost said:
I would honestly like that to be the case, Zenimax Bethesda originally choosing Obsidian to make a spin off based on the negative reactions a lot of old school Fallout fans gave Fallout 3.

I do not mean it as an attack on Fallout 3 fans as persons, but when it comes to game I am honestly of the opinion that they do not have taste when it comes to design, gameplay, storyline and so on.

Honestly, those people did not need Fallout.
If they were fans of the genre they could have decided to pick up Fallout 1 and 2 to see what it was like, and not having Fallout changed to resemble an earlier favorite of theirs; TES Oblivion.

I hope Obsidian will continue with the main series and oversee the spin offs.

I look at it this way: If FO3 was the first Fallout you played, you'd think it was a good game, and its style of humor and plot was sufficient to the task of presenting the world. If you saw FO3 through the lens of someone who played FO1 and 2, you'd primarily focus on how it trod upon the universe and its stylistic nature, and ignored the series' penchant for dark humor, internal cohesion and believable factions.

To a lesser extent I kinda feel that way about GTA3 compared with GTA1 and 2. GTA4, especially, took itself too seriously, when GTA1 and 2 were totally tongue-in-cheek. Who cares about getting e-drunk with your e-buddies and sitting on your e-behind watching e-tv when you could have been racking up a 50-kill streak using a flamethrower or dumping tourists on a hot dog plant's butcher line?

I still think it's the problem of buying up IPs for name-recognition alone. Just make your own!
Thomas de Aynesworth said:
Bethesda is extremely conscious of internet related feedback on their games

If that were true, I believe they would've made a much stronger effort to address all the bugs being complained about in forums for months after the release of FO3's DLC (and, of course, more recently with FONV).
Thomas de Aynesworth said:
I disagree, Bethesda has reacted in very extreme ways to the old guard of Fallout fans who generally disliked Fallout 3. It stands to reason that a few months after Fallout 3 was released, waves of pro-Fallout 3 fans and anti-Fallout 1 and 2 fans joined NMA. Every so often you still see them, clamouring for people to stop making fun of Fallout 3.

So what you're saying is that Beth somehow controls and directs these idiots?
If I remember right they were spamming here even before the release, not in great numbers but actively none the less.
Just to get back to the NPC's. Yes they do have a story. The 'invisible' quest failed after some time, so i had to talk to Boone. And it pops out that he had its story of its own.
Should pay more attention to that.

I like FNV more and more and i hope that the next one will be like this or better.
Tons of quests and choices.
I always had a hard time to play Oblivion, but this game is just really good and gets my full attention.
korindabar said:
I would like to find a good JRPG but they all seem to be the same. The last ones I tried were Magna Carta 2 and Eternal Sonata... just excruciating to play through. What JRPGs would you recommend?

I don't like JRPGs myself but found this one intriguing (in concept): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wu-hw8VK7g0 [Resonance of Fate].

Mind you, the story still doesn't look to be there but the gameplay is supposed to be pretty fresh. The review I linked you to certainly isn't singing it's praises but for $24.97 used on Amazon (xbox version) it might be worth a glance.

No, I never played it.. However, at a $7 price point I just might... eventually... after Fallout New Vegas, Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, Deus Ex 3 and Portal 2.. and Fable 3... and Red Dead: Undead Nightmare.. and replaying Limbo.. and finishing Braid.. (Ooh, I have Risen and Dragons Age: Awakenings to finish too!). Ok, I'll never play it.
Anarchosyn said:
korindabar said:
I would like to find a good JRPG but they all seem to be the same. The last ones I tried were Magna Carta 2 and Eternal Sonata... just excruciating to play through. What JRPGs would you recommend?

I don't like JRPGs myself but found this one intriguing (in concept): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wu-hw8VK7g0 [Resonance of Fate].

Mind you, the story still doesn't look to be there but the gameplay is supposed to be pretty fresh. The review I linked you to certainly isn't singing it's praises but for $24.97 used on Amazon (xbox version) it might be worth a glance.

No, I never played it.. However, at a $7 price point I just might... eventually... after Fallout New Vegas, Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, Deus Ex 3 and Portal 2.. and Fable 3... and Red Dead: Undead Nightmare.. and replaying Limbo.. and finishing Braid.. (Ooh, I have Risen and Dragons Age: Awakenings to finish too!). Ok, I'll never play it.

I have Resonance of Fate for my PS3. It's a very fresh spin on the JRPG formula and requires a fair bit of strategy. As for the story, I could hardly tell there was one until around chapter 13.
Thomas de Aynesworth said:
The first patch for Fallout: NV was released weeks after the launch. That's pretty good, relatively speaking.

What weeks? It was released 1 day after launch.
Ausir said:
What weeks? It was released 1 day after launch.

Yes, a day after launch they release a patch that fixes "200+ quest and scripting issues". Obviously, they shipped the game knowing there were 200+ quest and scripting issues to be fixed. And this doesn't address technical problems like lock-ups on the PS3 and Xbox versions that require rebooting the system - just like the lock-ups that plagued the FO3 release and DLC two years ago.

I don't understand why people keep making excuses for Obsidian/Bethesda on these bugs. Yes, in many ways it's a great game; it's certainly one of my favorites. That doesn't mean it doesn't have technical flaws that are far worse than the great majority of commercially-released games. It doesn't mean we shouldn't demand a better, less bug-ridden product from this commercially successful company.