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  • A cancer? So, while we are all-or-nothing about it, I assume all out kill-everybody fascism is the best alternative?
    That was exactly what I was thinking. Also - priorities. If something is a cancer, it is the genocidal ambitions of the growing neo-fascist trends of Europe. Not crybaby SJW snivelers, who harm nobody (although they ARE annoying)
    Problem is in Europe is that Pro Mass migration/SJW people got into power, and when anyone protested they were screamed and yelled at and shouted down as a racist or a transphobe/anti Gay. The big issue with this is that it ends up creating racist Neo Nazi groups because people have tried to express their opinions normally, and after being prohibited from doing so, turn to violence and become further right.
    Society is an untested experiment. As someone with a hard working, non-violent, normal-person immigrant as a father, I always wanted stricter immigration - precisely to beat the growing notion of immigrants being "no good troublemakers". Weed OUT the troublemakers, how hard can it be :I There's plenty of good people wanting to come in.
    Sometimes I wish for the end of the world *only* so it could mean the end of yet another lame-ass pointless cop-drama...
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    There is a ridiculous amount of awful cop dramas out there. To prove my point, I googled: "cop drama number of shows", to find out how many there are out there and it came up with a cop drama called Numbers.
    Yeah, they have stupid-ass names too. "Bones" is my favorite, what the actual fuck. Cus the protagonist is named "Bones" - cus she studies "Bones"... *punches TV*
    Heh, it's a bit like if you complain about your own mom, it's fine. Some outsider talk shit about your mom? "THAT'S MY MOTHER! >:O"
    Oh cool, Skylines map deletes itself after several successful saves, after the editor crashed once! I like self-deleting files! I want more!
    Air Supply made a male-version of the same song, but just-so-happens, that's not the one stuck in my brain >:I
    I mentioned that to my aunt in Spain, and she had actually never thought about it, because it's such a common name. "moor-killer"
    Getting slightly satisfied with the whole "we all hate each others"-theme in family-based sitcoms. I blame "Married with Children"
    I mentioned in previous shout box, I dreamt recently about torturing Peter Dinklage, so yes, woke up with a serious sense of "wtfh!"
    Yes :D I don't like coming off like I don't respect him any, because I do. But when it comes to games, we are opposites. He knows this :D
    A friend of mine always assumes the hypey advertisements for certain games are true "But the ad said it was going to be BEST EVER!"
    Win and Beth kinda do the same: Alienate "old fans" in favor of "new fans" untill everyone is an alienated old fan :V
    It was on my new PC. I would never have updated willingly. I don't care quiiite enough to roll-back and such... I wish it sucked less tho :I
    There's actually check-lists for what games CAN be run on Windows 10. It's not just me then... o_-
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