zegh8578 Apr 29, 2016 By the way, SO many love songs in the world, and almost none of them ever mention boobs. Also, what's with all the pining, longing songs
By the way, SO many love songs in the world, and almost none of them ever mention boobs. Also, what's with all the pining, longing songs
zegh8578 Apr 29, 2016 Just now, I waited 15 minutes for internet, cus it *insisted* on finding a wireless network, when i AM connected - right now - by cable.
Just now, I waited 15 minutes for internet, cus it *insisted* on finding a wireless network, when i AM connected - right now - by cable.
zegh8578 Apr 29, 2016 Christ how I loathe the "automatic helpfulness" of newer windows and programs... it's driving me insane
Christ how I loathe the "automatic helpfulness" of newer windows and programs... it's driving me insane
zegh8578 Apr 22, 2016 Hopefully getting new PC tomorrow. Then, not too far from now, hopefully a new apt. Hopefully before I spiral into a complete breakdown :0
Hopefully getting new PC tomorrow. Then, not too far from now, hopefully a new apt. Hopefully before I spiral into a complete breakdown :0
zegh8578 Apr 21, 2016 I hate the expression "Takes one to know one", so, someone who rezognizes a rapist? A Jew recognizing Gestapo, when they bang on their door?
I hate the expression "Takes one to know one", so, someone who rezognizes a rapist? A Jew recognizing Gestapo, when they bang on their door?
zegh8578 Apr 19, 2016 So, my PC just died. I'm glad I'm still here on my old PC :0 I suck at remembering passwords.
zegh8578 Apr 19, 2016 I am going to draw a city map now. Drawing practice as always, but this one will require a LOT of rulers and correct geometry :'I
I am going to draw a city map now. Drawing practice as always, but this one will require a LOT of rulers and correct geometry :'I
zegh8578 Apr 18, 2016 To hell with waste removal! I want waste retrieval!!! WHERE IS MY PREMIUM DEFILE WASTE RETRIEVAL!?!?
zegh8578 Apr 15, 2016 Strange how times change. By now, if someone says the word "culture" too many times in succession, my fascist-alarm begins to ring like mad
Strange how times change. By now, if someone says the word "culture" too many times in succession, my fascist-alarm begins to ring like mad
zegh8578 Apr 12, 2016 Now they're dropping water melons on the pillows, comparing the effect. I think I probably should take notes, this seems revolutionary!
Now they're dropping water melons on the pillows, comparing the effect. I think I probably should take notes, this seems revolutionary!
zegh8578 Apr 12, 2016 Pillow infomercial on tv, showing examples people struggling to use normal pillows, twisting and turning, flailing their arms
Pillow infomercial on tv, showing examples people struggling to use normal pillows, twisting and turning, flailing their arms
zegh8578 Apr 8, 2016 I never understood the trust of credit cards. The ads are always like "wohoo, money out of nowhere!"
zegh8578 Apr 2, 2016 I thought Mad Max was fun. "Simple and repetitive" I think are some comments, but I liked it. It picks up lil by lil along the way imo
I thought Mad Max was fun. "Simple and repetitive" I think are some comments, but I liked it. It picks up lil by lil along the way imo
zegh8578 Mar 31, 2016 He then suggested to me, "so, you're... all done with FO4, or what?" "yeaaah, I think I am... " A very diplomatic moment
He then suggested to me, "so, you're... all done with FO4, or what?" "yeaaah, I think I am... " A very diplomatic moment
zegh8578 Mar 31, 2016 Oh god how I hated that... my gaming friend was telling me about the DLCs, he built some robots and stuff, very excited
Oh god how I hated that... my gaming friend was telling me about the DLCs, he built some robots and stuff, very excited
zegh8578 Mar 29, 2016 Like, meat temperatures. If I make a steak, it'll be medium-well to well done. I don't even trust myself to allow "rareness" in meat
Like, meat temperatures. If I make a steak, it'll be medium-well to well done. I don't even trust myself to allow "rareness" in meat
They (whoever they are) are all selfish like that.