You don't listen, do you? You just ask the same questions every week. "How's your job?" "Are you having any negative thoughts?" All I have are negative thoughts.
So I take it the movie is actually good. However at first I thought Alec wasn't quoting the movie but actually talked to Walp about his profile posts. >_>
Yeah, I mean I sort of semi-understand the controversy because the main character sort of portrays this sad victim incel for whom the world is apparently so unfair and who becomes the hero of the story by responding to the world with violent self-soothing megalomania.
It only bothers people because this is like, an accurate glorified movie version of the types of people that do this sort of thing and they are often drawn to such figures they consider to be heroes and martyrs. I don't expect them to cancel a movie because it's too on-the-nose though.
@Walpknut lol no, I'm using incel as a general pejorative type descriptor because they tend to think and say the exact same boo-hoo self-pity sort of things in all their social media posts and manifestos.
Nazis love American History X despite it being a critique on Nazism, chuds love FIght Club despite it being a critique of Overly Macho cults of personality, any movie runs the risk of being misinterpreted by idiots. Hell, Charles Manson was inspired by a Beatles album, crazies will find what they want to hear on anything, can't really blame a movie for that.