zegh8578 Mar 30, 2024 btw everyone owes it to themselves to buy a big-ass pile of oranges (blood-oranges if you can), and squeeze'em all
btw everyone owes it to themselves to buy a big-ass pile of oranges (blood-oranges if you can), and squeeze'em all
zegh8578 Mar 30, 2024 There's a couple downstairs, mostly they play music, they seem cheery - but one time there was a lot of raised voices, we started to listen
There's a couple downstairs, mostly they play music, they seem cheery - but one time there was a lot of raised voices, we started to listen
zegh8578 Mar 27, 2024 I cannot imagine any reality where I ever re-watch 12 years a slave for any reason, oscar bait aside, Jesus-Brad Pitt is just too damn much
I cannot imagine any reality where I ever re-watch 12 years a slave for any reason, oscar bait aside, Jesus-Brad Pitt is just too damn much
zegh8578 Mar 24, 2024 They had an ad here for womens shaving, that actually showed the armpit hair, being shaved off, as opposed to pristine skin being shaved
They had an ad here for womens shaving, that actually showed the armpit hair, being shaved off, as opposed to pristine skin being shaved
zegh8578 Mar 21, 2024 LOL a science publication blocked me after I made a point to interpret their AI-generated illustration as scientifically informative
LOL a science publication blocked me after I made a point to interpret their AI-generated illustration as scientifically informative
zegh8578 Feb 20, 2024 Omg when you roll a joint, and then a dry lil twiglet from either the tobacco or weed pushes against the paper from inside
Omg when you roll a joint, and then a dry lil twiglet from either the tobacco or weed pushes against the paper from inside
zegh8578 Feb 15, 2024 Upham's character in Saving Private Ryan is a bit of a perplexing one. He is the coward who gains a spine, or something - but it's unusual
Upham's character in Saving Private Ryan is a bit of a perplexing one. He is the coward who gains a spine, or something - but it's unusual
zegh8578 Jan 31, 2024 An old troll-shaped ash-tray from my long gone grandpa cracked into 3 pieces, after being outside in the rain; i suspect it was glued before
An old troll-shaped ash-tray from my long gone grandpa cracked into 3 pieces, after being outside in the rain; i suspect it was glued before
zegh8578 Jan 23, 2024 I wanna tie a sweatter around my neck, like a yacht boy - and then tie *another* sweatter around my waist
I wanna tie a sweatter around my neck, like a yacht boy - and then tie *another* sweatter around my waist
zegh8578 Jan 23, 2024 Protip, next time you watch your favorite movie, try to detect all the foley-work. Swear - you'll come to notice ALL of it! Thank me later.
Protip, next time you watch your favorite movie, try to detect all the foley-work. Swear - you'll come to notice ALL of it! Thank me later.
zegh8578 Jan 22, 2024 Why is it so hard to advertise for milk, without resorting to complete weirdoutery?
zegh8578 Jan 17, 2024 Michael Jackson was meant to save humanity, but we failed him... betrayed him...
zegh8578 Jan 13, 2024 I like that MJ turns into a panther at the end of the Black or White video. As a kid, I saw that, and was like "right on man"
I like that MJ turns into a panther at the end of the Black or White video. As a kid, I saw that, and was like "right on man"