zegh8578 Feb 10, 2023 Timesinks like Paradox-games hit different, after you've crossed 40 years of age.
zegh8578 Jan 29, 2023 I have reached the age, where I envy the personality-bubble of early adulthood, where everyone "finds their style" etc
I have reached the age, where I envy the personality-bubble of early adulthood, where everyone "finds their style" etc
zegh8578 Jan 17, 2023 Does anybody young get drunk or high anymore? Apart fron jocks, I mean - like, back when I was a sad little emo boy, I still got high
Does anybody young get drunk or high anymore? Apart fron jocks, I mean - like, back when I was a sad little emo boy, I still got high
zegh8578 Jan 2, 2023 The Jeremy Renner headlines read like out of a satirical cartoon, I hope he's okay, although maaan it sounds like he isn't.
The Jeremy Renner headlines read like out of a satirical cartoon, I hope he's okay, although maaan it sounds like he isn't.
zegh8578 Dec 31, 2022 "RRR" is an amazing movie, watchable on netflix - absolutely recommended if you like action and dude men who are dudes and men
"RRR" is an amazing movie, watchable on netflix - absolutely recommended if you like action and dude men who are dudes and men
zegh8578 Dec 23, 2022 As derranged as the Russian leadership is, my prognosis is that they will eventually achieve a pyrrhic victory in Ukraine. I hate it.
As derranged as the Russian leadership is, my prognosis is that they will eventually achieve a pyrrhic victory in Ukraine. I hate it.
zegh8578 Nov 18, 2022 Mad Max really was an amazing game. Wondering if I got it in me for a whole replay again.
zegh8578 Nov 17, 2022 Next time you watch LOTR, notice Frodos shambled little nails whenever the cam zooms in on the ring. I have those nails.
Next time you watch LOTR, notice Frodos shambled little nails whenever the cam zooms in on the ring. I have those nails.
zegh8578 Nov 15, 2022 Don't remember which country now, maybe Finland, doesn't do language statistics on infants, because infants cannot speak
Don't remember which country now, maybe Finland, doesn't do language statistics on infants, because infants cannot speak
zegh8578 Nov 7, 2022 Took me 40 years to finally realize that the narrow valley where my city's at the end of, is not very attractive to wildlife
Took me 40 years to finally realize that the narrow valley where my city's at the end of, is not very attractive to wildlife
zegh8578 Oct 28, 2022 Playing FF9, I renamed all characters, and to this day, I still think of the two main protagonists as Lemon and Molasses.
Playing FF9, I renamed all characters, and to this day, I still think of the two main protagonists as Lemon and Molasses.