zegh8578 Aug 1, 2023 Forest Gump really is an annoying movie, upon reexamination. What's Jenny's character even in there for?
Forest Gump really is an annoying movie, upon reexamination. What's Jenny's character even in there for?
zegh8578 Jun 3, 2023 I mean, say what you will about Ukraine, but nothing stinks in retrospect quite like the fucking 1999 apartment bombings
I mean, say what you will about Ukraine, but nothing stinks in retrospect quite like the fucking 1999 apartment bombings
zegh8578 May 30, 2023 The music in Saving Private Ryan is used so sparingly, so subtly - I thought the movie had no score, for the longest time
The music in Saving Private Ryan is used so sparingly, so subtly - I thought the movie had no score, for the longest time
zegh8578 May 17, 2023 Imagine the things we have to explain to the aliens, when the time comes - like - okay - religion, how important from 1 to 10? 10! Most!
Imagine the things we have to explain to the aliens, when the time comes - like - okay - religion, how important from 1 to 10? 10! Most!
zegh8578 May 17, 2023 In the wise words of Elizabeth Holmes - First they call you crazy, then they fight you, then you change the world
In the wise words of Elizabeth Holmes - First they call you crazy, then they fight you, then you change the world
zegh8578 Apr 6, 2023 lol... checked out an Aaron Carter crazy-shit compilation, and pretty much all of his ramblings sound like last convo I had w my brother
lol... checked out an Aaron Carter crazy-shit compilation, and pretty much all of his ramblings sound like last convo I had w my brother
zegh8578 Mar 31, 2023 Ooooo according to ISW latest batches of Russian conscripts are not even for deployment, but for domestic control :'D This is gonna be fun
Ooooo according to ISW latest batches of Russian conscripts are not even for deployment, but for domestic control :'D This is gonna be fun
zegh8578 Mar 30, 2023 Man, zombie apocallypse dream all night, and realistic enough to include a buddy calling to ask if I want some weed.
Man, zombie apocallypse dream all night, and realistic enough to include a buddy calling to ask if I want some weed.
zegh8578 Feb 16, 2023 People when a bird eats another bird "That's cannibalism D:" then goes on to eat pig roast.