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  1. F

    Actual, turn-based strategy X-Com sequel in the works

    I'm sceptical. Something tells me there will be some sort of "but".
  2. F

    Dear Leader - has died

    Some people have. They were never heard from again. :silenced: And even in the places you do go to, the streets are deserted. There was this whole series of pictures taken by someone who went to Pyongyang. Creepy place.
  3. F

    Dear Leader - has died

    His son isn't going to lead, the military is. As long as the generals are in control, there's no hope for any democratic reforms.
  4. F

    Upcoming game - The Last of Us

    No PC version, no purchase.
  5. F

    GSC Gameworld is shutting down; no S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2

    Just when they were getting the hang of it with CoP. I wonder if they'll blame this on PC piracy.
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    Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    You know what they say. Bethesda never changes.
  7. F

    Dubstep thread

    Haha. Leaving aside the game itself, do you realize that the music is the original Syndicate theme from 1993, just a bit remixed (awesomely, I might add)?
  8. F

    Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    Truly a sad day for PC gaming when the solution is to stop using a mouse. Rotating with LMB works for me. But I don't know how to drag bodies :D
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    Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    Uh-uh. Tell it to the million times that I've gotten the wrong dialogue option even though I clicked on the correct one.
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    Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    I like that most of the dungeons are more custom-tailored rather than looking like they were auto-generated.
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    Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    The good about Skyrim: Beth has finally realized that they're not good at making RPGs, so they simplified the system to be more FPS-like. The bad: Beth still hasn't learned to make good user interfaces. That thing is just fucking horrible. They should've looked at the interface mods for...
  12. F

    To keep or sell it, is the question.

    Get rid of it and buy a better tablet or something else entirely.
  13. F

    Steve Jobs died

    It bothers you because you know it's true. Insulting him??? Criticizing his company's products is an insult now? Yes, heaven forbid we take a look at what he did before praising him to high heavens. :roll:
  14. F

    NMA was hacked

    I bet the hacker is a Fallout 3 fan.
  15. F

    Steve Jobs died

    Thanks for creating overpriced gadgets and computers with obsolete hardware and selling them at ripoff prices. Bye.
  16. F

    RAGE: The Thread

    Even with the "fixes", most of the textures look awful. You can clearly see how they wanted you to be able to read certain signs while everything around them is a huge blurry pile of poo. Thank the consoles, kids!
  17. F

    X-Com being made into an FPS (Again?)

    Nice. So we're getting a true sequel after all.
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    4 8 15 16 23 42
  19. F

    Syndicate rebooted as (surprise) an FPS

    I think you'd get pretty mad.