Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

Crni Vuk said:alright alright
Thesis: Bethesda is dumb.
Proof: Shouts
Interesting concept. What actually is their purpose in the game ? From all those "shouts" only a handfull are really usefull. And thx to some absurd "level scaling" where certain enemies have an health pool so huge that it is ridiculous you will do not much against them. It seems that only "storm" and "push" are the only really usefull shouts. But storm cant be used "inside" and it will hit any of your companions/allies as well which makes it more or less useless if you consider that most of the maps are well inside of ruins/graves.
I really think Beth droped the ball on this one. They could have done much more with those "Dragon" powers. It really does not give me the feeling of having some kind of special and unique weapon.
since I got Ice Form it's pretty much the only one I use. it's perfect for crowd control and with the damage I do I can usually kill even the more powerful enemies before they have time to get back up. I haven't found the last part of Push yet but I find it a bit underwhelming. it's good for pushing people off cliffs, but then it's a pain to loot them. and they recover too quickly from it to make it an effective crowd control.
as for the other shouts I've found, most seem to do what magic spells can already do.
Lexx said:aenemic said:Courier said:Lexx said:But the figures are much less animated and much less detailed.
I'm just saying that it's possible to have more than ten people fighting at once.
Bethesda's excuse has always been that their engine can't handle too many npc's at the same time. but I really think this is bullshit. last time I played FO3 I used a mod to put more enemies in the game. Feral Ghouls often spawned in the 20's and above, with no lag whatsoever.
Then you must have a pretty good computer (it heavily depends on your hardware anyway). Skyrim, as example, starts to run extremely shitty on my system as well, as soon as there are 10+ npcs around me. When I had done the first "take over the town!"-quest, it felt like doing the Hoover Dam battle in FNV once again, just in medieval times. If there are only a few npcs around me, Skyrim is running very fine. So yes, the engine can't handle many npcs very good (their faces, etc- that's why many npcs in FNV and in Skyrim wear full-head helmets).
yeah I guess this might be true, but my computer isn't THAT poweful to be honest. GTX 260 gpu, 2 gb RAM and 3.16 gHz core 2 duo. I'm sure there are people with less powerful computers playing these games, but the question is how low Bethesda sets their bar.