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  1. D

    Post images of your character

    Heh, I really like this one! I think I'll go for this on my 2nd playthrough. Haven't managed to end the first one yet, too much stuff to do! :P
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    Fallout: New Vegas mods and fixes

    And best of all, most of them have some interesting choices for other skills you could have chosen. I'm already thinking of my next character for sure!
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    Generic Birthday thread (they ALL go in here)

    It's a classier way of replacing a quote! :) Happy birthday Dutch Ghost!
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    Huh? I swear I could've been playing like for 4-5 hours straight once without a single crash. There's some glitches here and there, but never heard of common crashes. :|
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    Wow look, I didn't remember I created this thread so damn long ago. (And maybe edit it a bit so it resembles more what it is now, amirite?) Anyway, NMA could have a multiplayer server once it gets more stable. :) Damn, the game has advanced so much since the video in the first thread, brings...
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    How Success Killed Duke Nukem

    Hopefully, a trailer is coming soon. There's some screenshots of it over the last PAX. Seems like every weapon from Duke 3D is coming back. There's a screenshot of the freezer! Look for them here.
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    Weird/Stupid fears on gaming?

    Maybe someone should do a thread merge with the other one. The title should be edited a bit too, and we're all set. :wink:
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    Games that make you tense?

    This thread might help:
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    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    I love how the author spends $0 at marketing, and yet he's had 100.000 sales over the 2 past weeks because of videos like these, Rock Paper Shotgun doing a series about it, and two comics in Penny-Arcade. The "free-to-play weekend"(server overloaded) also helped for sure.
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    South Korea cures Starcraft addiction. Or do they?

    Maybe they were addicted talking all day about strategies and did only a few matches per day. :P
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    @GAMER New Vegas article scans

    C2B, if you ever find yourself in using one parenthesis inside ANOTHER parenthesis, you should consider on rewriting it. :) I got a bit lost in there.
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    Recommend DOS Games Here!

    Well, there probably was a DOS Tetris clone. It's what most programmers start with. :P Heh, just imagine WoW in a 320x200 screen mode with 16 colors. Little sprites running with epics around a plane, yelling at each other, and still as boring as it is. :D That reminds me, there was a...
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    Finally! A Playboy MMO!!! ... Why?

    You were actually supposed to NOT do sexual references this time. :lol: You must do it when it's obscure. :wink:
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    The Vault previews Fallout: New Vegas, #2

    I must agree here, and I will use again his example, Alpha Protocol. Lately, I've been really uninterested in single player games. Playing some FPS here and there, I just abandoned them because I wasn't enjoying them at all, even if they had some good gameplay. But AP, I played it to the end...
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    The Vault previews Fallout: New Vegas, #2

    *All the other people around Ausir start running in circles and screaming "Help!", "Guards!"* I don't know whether to be happy or not of the return of a "New Reno" city in F:NV, but if it has a great RPG quality like in F2, then I'll gladly welcome it.
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    Rate the avatar above yours.

    8/10 Welcome my weirdest avatar yet.
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    Ikaruga - insane skill level

    rcorporon gets 1000 experience points for getting a first reply 4 months later. Still an impressive video. :)
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    The Vault previews Fallout: New Vegas, #1

    At first, I was thinking the box stuff was some kind of reward from part of a faction. Like some permanent service unlocked after doing many quests for them. But I doubt they would offer it forever. With the information given now, it reminds me of the Pokemon games' computers.
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    The Vault previews Fallout: New Vegas, #1

    If you could add some kind of time period to wait until you can pick your gear from them, I think it'd be a cool feature. Say, as soon as you arrive to the area where your safehouse is, a x hour counter kicks in. You have to wait x hours before you can pick your gear. This could be useful for...
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    Why there are no ladders in Bethesda/Gamebryo games

    I don't get it. Ladders are probably even easier to use for pathfinding, since it's just two nodes(start, finish). The hard part is finding the nodes in the sea of polygons, but the nodes are already defined with a ladder.