The Vault previews Fallout: New Vegas, #2

OakTable said:
Mr. Sawyer just confirmed there was no range on weapon damage. Ausir, get it together.
Well he didn't exactly say that he said:
DAM is based on the GECK setting, player skill, weapon condition, ammo type (if applicable) and other effects like chems (e.g. Psycho). There is no die-rolling for damage (outside of critical hit chance).
Well, I said in the preview that it was there if I recalled it correctly. Maybe it actually depended on the ammo, and not random chance?
Was the game any more fluid than Fallout 3? Or did it still have that characteristic of cumbersomeness that F3 and Oblivion had? Because that was an aspect that I would always have trouble adapting to after playing a game with a more smooth engine.
Also, Josh once said on the Bethsoft forums that you can activate Hardcore mode only at the beginning of the game and then if you deactivate it it's lost forever...
Not true. You can re-activate it at any time. Only you will only get an achievement if you have it on from the beginning and LEAVE it on.
Ausir said:
I didn't really do much combat there.
Hmm, I suppose I can't really judge the combat from a guy who played almost pacifistically with small-scale firefights here and there.
especially those for whom the weak story and dialogues were the main turnoff in Bethesda’s game, as they seem to be among the strongest points of the new game. </blockquote>


the old games just had that charm in the dialogue, i hope that returns. and isn't ruined by bad acting.
Ausir said:
It pretty much felt like Fallout 3.

It does? Damn, you'd think that with the addition of 600,000,000 dialogue lines, a multitude of mini gambling games and the new load of Shrek supermutants, you'd get a different game altogether, no?
I love how they plundered Van Buren and recycled some stuff from the first games so as to try and please guys like me. There must be an awful lot of creativity left at Obsidian if this is their new modus operandi. I'm sure it'll be very satisfying to play New Vegas, it'll be like a trip to the past: "Immerse yourself in a new Fallout game, built with the same outdated engine we built the previous game with, but now with the addition of music that is more than 10 years old! Meet old characters that saved us time having to come up with new characters, and explore parts of Van Buren, the game you all would have loved to death!"

Don't ever say that they didn't think about the fans. :roll:
alec said:
Ausir said:
It pretty much felt like Fallout 3.

It does? Damn, you'd think that with the addition of 600,000,000 dialogue lines, a multitude of mini gambling games and the new load of Shrek supermutants, you'd get a different game altogether, no?

You are aware he was responding to this, don't you?

"Was the game any more fluid than Fallout 3? Or did it still have that characteristic of cumbersomeness that F3 and Oblivion had? "

I love how they plundered Van Buren and recycled some stuff from the first games so as to try and please guys like me. There must be an awful lot of creativity left at Obsidian if this is their new modus operandi. I'm sure it'll be very satisfying to play New Vegas, it'll be like a trip to the past: "Immerse yourself in a new Fallout game, built with the same outdated engine we built the previous game with, but now with the addition of music that is more than 10 years old! Meet old characters that saved us time having to come up with new characters, and explore parts of Van Buren, the game you all would have loved to death!"

Don't ever say that they didn't think about the fans. Rolling Eyes

Your positive outlook on things amazes me.
Good review, Ausir :clap:

I was wondering about the 'characteristic of cumbersomeness' as well - I always hated that delay between pressing the VATS key and actually beginning combat - sometimes (always) it would take ages before VATS loads up and you see the body parts and the percentages.
Ausir said:
It pretty much felt like Fallout 3.
Those are bad news, but I'd be lying if I said I consider them new.

Stanislao Moulinsky said:
Your positive outlook on things amazes me.
After reading Alec's post, I for one wouldn't call his outlook "positive", but realist.
The Vault Dweller said:
especially those for whom the weak story and dialogues were the main turnoff in Bethesda’s game

Tha would be me!
I am looking forward to Fallout: New Vegas and if the story and the characters are anything similar to Alpha Protocol then i must say that i am really eager to play it. Alpha protocol was an awesome game, despite the bugs and the dated graphics.

alec said:
It does? Damn, you'd think that with the addition of 600,000,000 dialogue'd get a different game altogether, no?
A good storyline, a bunch of memorable characters and some well written dialogue can make a huge difference.
Astiaks said:
A good storyline, a bunch of memorable characters and some well written dialogue can make a huge difference.
I must agree here, and I will use again his example, Alpha Protocol. Lately, I've been really uninterested in single player games. Playing some FPS here and there, I just abandoned them because I wasn't enjoying them at all, even if they had some good gameplay.

But AP, I played it to the end, and enjoyed it a lot. Yes, I beared the horrible minigames(PC version). The bugs. The animation glitches. The BUUUUGS. But it's been a memorable game to me now.
LionXavier said:
Stanislao Moulinsky said:
Your positive outlook on things amazes me.
After reading Alec's post, I for one wouldn't call his outlook "positive", but realist.

Why? Just because the PC moves the same way as in FO3 does it automatically means that the experience is identical? Adding Marcus and reusing bits and pieces of Van Buren automatically mean that Obsidian did it as a cheap way to appeal to old fans and to save time? Come on. I can understand why Alec dislikes F:NV but often he's negative for no real reason.
Stanislao Moulinsky said:
Why? Just because the PC moves the same way as in FO3 does it automatically means that the experience is identical?
Well, NV being a game makes the gameplay a major aspect of it, and while I think it's probably unfair to claim that the NV experience will be identical to FO3's, I also think that it'll be very, very similar.

Stanislao Moulinsky said:
Adding Marcus and reusing bits and pieces of Van Buren automatically mean that Obsidian did it as a cheap way to appeal to old fans and to save time?
Considering things like the "Wild Wasteland" perk, yes, I must say that I can't see it otherwise than that way.

Stanislao Moulinsky said:
Come on. I can understand why Alec dislikes F:NV but often he's negative for no real reason.
Well, I, for one, think that there are reasons to be negative. Plenty of them, I'd add.