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  1. Yamu

    The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

    It wouldn't be NGE if they didn't make you wait way too long for closure on anything.
  2. Yamu

    Butbutbut... Faceapp is owned by RUSSIA! They commit atrocities! Those other companies only...

    Butbutbut... Faceapp is owned by RUSSIA! They commit atrocities! Those other companies only *share data with and willingly oblige* states that commit atrocities!
  3. Yamu

    Which minor faction(s) would you make a major one?

    @CT Phipps No offense, but why are you stumping so hard for this? The natural state of human society isn't social entropy. We're communal creatures and we're too curious and too desirous of security not to build and grow. You argue that the natural state of (wasteland?) societies is to moulder...
  4. Yamu

    Which minor faction(s) would you make a major one?

    For the most part. When it comes to the Powders, I doubt Cooke would have even bothered freeing most of them if it hadn't been an all-or-nothing proposition or a spit in the NCR's face. Cooke's core group seem a lot savvier about keeping off the radar, and they're a lot more like hard-line...
  5. Yamu

    Which minor faction(s) would you make a major one?

    I agree with Mr. Sawyer about the Followers, but therein lies the rub -- They ARE functionally structureless, with few or no hard rules about who does what, let alone what they do or don't do as an organization. Caesar came from them, and in the peculiar form and path he took a "reformer" like...
  6. Yamu

    Most Hated Fallout Character

    You're not wrong. I might just be a curmudgeon. I sppose it's mostly a matter of taste-- I'm one of the people who feel that Fallout 2 got further and further off the rails the further around the big circle you got from Arroyo, and the Sierra Army Depot was a particularly "wild wasteland" kind...
  7. Yamu

    Which minor faction(s) would you make a major one?

    What if a given faction had a major endgame questline, in other words. I'm sorry if the semantics weren't clear, I may have made a conceptual leap in my head that didn't come through in the writing on that one. I don't disagree, and it's not a combo I'd have opted for myself, but gaining...
  8. Yamu

    Most Hated Fallout Character

    Synth AI does exist in Fallout, it's just so complex it requires a room-sized server for a brain. Sure, it's feasible that The Institute could have reached that level of miniaturization and cybernetic technology in the 200 years since the war, but by the same token it'd be just as feasible for...
  9. Yamu

    Realistic reason for needing keys for some doors?

    Realism is great where it's called for and the 3d Fallouts' hacking and lockpicking systems could definitely use some work, but one does have to keep in mind that the gamespace is an analog of a world, not a direct representation. Designers need ways to separate the world into discrete locations...
  10. Yamu

    Which minor faction(s) would you make a major one?

    I mean, that's the whole point of a "what if," no? We're not talking about game endings here but about actual outcomes. One of the most frustrating things about the independent ending is that you've got all the elements at your disposal to change and reform Vegas a thousand different ways but by...
  11. Yamu

    What do you think is the best way to sneak in Fallout 1 & 2?

    I'm not sure about the restoration mod, but I know for sure that FIXT does a decent amount of work towards making a stealth playthrough work as intended, as well as some tweaks on sub-factions to differentiate stealth play and make things a little more realistic (e.g. making it possible to...
  12. Yamu

    Why did it take me this long to discover the glory that is Doc Mobius' glove?

    Consider this a full and heartfelt repentance in the hopes that I can save even one other from making the same mistake. I mean, it's not that difficult to overlook, right? Mediocre damage, an incredibly situational debuff, and a frenzy effect on an enemy you're already in cqc with? But I've had...
  13. Yamu

    POLL: Trump or Hillary

    The argument "philanthropy should be a personal choice" looks good on the surface, but taxes to pay for things that are demonstrably crucial to the common good =/= philanthropy. Why are the physical and mental health of the citizenry less important than cops or firefighters or paved roads? Or...
  14. Yamu

    What did you do with the Khans?

    I tend to roleplay each character as they come, but the styles I gravitate to usually call for them breaking with the Legion and heading to Wyoming. If I'm playing a particularly get-off-my-lawny Independent playthrough I usually try to become Papa's heir, take over as chief Khan, and take them...
  15. Yamu

    What's your thoughts on the Master?

    I'm not sure if I missed a joke here, but at the risk of being that one too-earnest guy, nobody was lying to him. The males could really only know that their equipment seemed to be working normally, which it presumably was if their reports were coming back "all systems go." The fact that they...
  16. Yamu

    The voice acting is intentionally bad

    I'm not sure how Perlman feels about the franchise now that he doesn't have to do ending narration for every single possible detail of the endings, but at one time he was pretty unhappy with the job. Between that, his star (and star fees) having been consistently on the rise since Fallout 2, and...
  17. Yamu

    Russian Nuclear Drill with 40 million people.

    It's real, but it's annual-- no one is reporting on it because it's not really news, any more than any given American vote to extend military funding. Russia does various drills like this every year at the start of October as part of their civil defense month. The numbers they publicize on the...
  18. Yamu

    How long does it take to become a ghoul and how long does it take to become feral?

    Ghoulification has been treated pretty inconsistently throughout the franchise. so a lot of the blanks are left for you to fill in as you please. The process has been depicted as anywhere from near-instantaneous (Moira Brown, the ghoul private at Camp Searchlight in New Vegas) to taking weeks or...
  19. Yamu

    Yeesh. A guy steps out for a few years and you lot let everything get all weird.

    Yeesh. A guy steps out for a few years and you lot let everything get all weird.
  20. Yamu

    General Discussion Thread of DOOM

    I don't wanna hijack the spotlight, but just for the record, should anyone need me for anything, I'm going to be clocked out on a ramshackle rocket tour of ill-omen for an indeterminate span of time, effective from about three months ago until (???). I'll still be keeping an eye on PMs and...