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  1. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    I wish we'd gotten to play Fallout 76's story before the Scorched

    imagine fuming about stuff other people enjoy
  2. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    Goddammit, I hate being wrong - showrunners fucked New Vegas

    i want to hug tim cain hes such a cuddly bear tbh
  3. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    Goddammit, I hate being wrong - showrunners fucked New Vegas

    Because gamers really don't understand what creates a quality product or good experience. Cataloging lore like it's the talmud misses the point
  4. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    Goddammit, I hate being wrong - showrunners fucked New Vegas

    So, if you think that lore/continuity denotes quality or is the reason you go into an experience like a movie or a tv show --well, that's the reason why you're on this dead forum and they're in Hollywood.
  5. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    Goddammit, I hate being wrong - showrunners fucked New Vegas

    So why exactly would a professional Hollywood studio want to limit themselves to the "lore" of a video game from over 25 years ago? They want to tell their own stories using the setting. "Lore"/canon isn't important to that goal. You autists need to go out and touch some grass or let go
  6. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

    Oh, this guy seems promising, I wonder the things he will contribute.
  7. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    Impersonate/roast another NMA user on the thread

    So why does fallout 1 and new vegas suck too?
  8. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    Impersonate/roast another NMA user on the thread

    "I'm Norzan! I HATE Fallout 3 and Bethesda! Here is why New Vegas's design is pure genius and why it's a TRUE RPG" "I'm Walpknut! I hate Colombia! rightwingers suck and take it up the ass more than my puppets!" "I'm Crni Vuk! These words echo with a sense of identity, strength, and perhaps...
  9. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    Are aliens really that unwelcome in Fallout?

    The original fallout is heavily based on star control 2 and tim wanted the game to go in a direction where the released vault dwellers would be ready to do space travel to find a better Earth
  10. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    is any of the users on this place from the 2015-2018 days generally? im curious

    is any of the users on this place from the 2015-2018 days generally? im curious
  11. TheHouseAlwaysWins


    bethesda doesn't "hate your guts". That's just ragebait. You are putting a personality on a tool of finance capital
  12. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    Fallout TV series - Set photo

    The series isn't aimed at you anymore. I don't enjoy the interpertation of Fallout by Bethesda, but the time I spent on this forum complaining about it has largely been a waste of time when it could have been used for something productive. The normies are going to enjoy their Fallout, so even...
  13. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    so did colombia vote in some social democrat in or something?

    so did colombia vote in some social democrat in or something?
  14. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    The Ashes 2063, DMW, and Afterglow gaming and Q & A thread

    afterglow doesnt really work on the computer i use today
  15. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    FPS RPG games and games similar to Fallout 1/2 and star control 2.

    I'm looking for more games that are FPS RPG hybrids, actual hybrids. IE more stuff like Fallout: NV, deus ex, TES 2 and 3, and System Shock 2. I'm also looking for science fiction RPGs that are based on exploration like the original two fallouts, and especially Star Control 2. Anybody know any...
  16. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    Fallout: London trailer

    The UK and the US are similar cultures so its close enough I believe. A lot of American cultural ideas were from the UK originally.
  17. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    Sequel to Star Control 2/Ur Quan Masters announced So, if you are unaware of what the Ur Quan Masters is. It's a science...
  18. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    Political Spergatory or How I Learned To Love /pol

    So what actually do you think about the situation in peru with pedro leading the elections? You think that's a signifier for potential socialist action to become popular in colombia at the end of this month since the election in colombia is at that point?