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  1. Sam Ecorners

    Fallout: New Vegas guide blog update, shots

    I'm really at loss with this "outfit"...
  2. Sam Ecorners

    Previews and Ausir interview

    Hot dog that smells like burger mmmmmm
  3. Sam Ecorners

    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

    I've been listening to a lot of classic Breakbeat Hardcore, like this: <embed src=";hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed>
  4. Sam Ecorners

    Fallout: New Vegas previews

    Sorry dudes, been real busy at work and have it saved on my work PC. You'll. Have to wait untill then, although i bet Lexx and Worstusernamepossible have it saved as well.
  5. Sam Ecorners

    Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

    Oh hai, I've been lurking here since 03. Now I post news. I'm a Russian from Chicago and it my birthday on Monday. Only 26.
  6. Sam Ecorners

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Fucking Homer needs to die already 1/10
  7. Sam Ecorners

    Fallout: New Vegas interviews

    Now THAT would have been fucked up
  8. Sam Ecorners

    Fallout: New Vegas interviews

    This here is one fan that hasn't made up his mind yet. I'm waiting to see how it's explained in the game. Although I don't see nothing wrong with skirts and tunics in warmer climates. Also, there better be an option to troll Caesar for wearing a skirt.
  9. Sam Ecorners

    J.E. Sawyer interview posted an interview with J.E. Sawyer. It's an interesting read, Sawyer talks about his views on ownership of the franchise, development of Fallout: New Vegas and franchise fans:<blockquote>GU: It strikes me that this is a series with a lot of history to it. So when you make this...
  10. Sam Ecorners

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    10/10 shiiiit
  11. Sam Ecorners

    Caravan rules revealed

    IGN posted rules to Caravan - the card game that Obsidian developed for Fallout: New Vegas. <blockquote>Caravan plays a bit like a head-to-head version of Blackjack, with the objective being to build sets of cards -- or Caravans -- with combined values between 21 and 26. You'll need at least two...
  12. Sam Ecorners

    Fallout: New Vegas opening cinematic revealed

    yup twitchy guy was silly, but fuck it, it's just an intro.
  13. Sam Ecorners

    Fallout: New Vegas previews

    I do, will try to upload in a bit.
  14. Sam Ecorners

    Fallout: New Vegas interviews

    Hooked gamers one is very facepalmy
  15. Sam Ecorners

    Pete Hines interview

    Planet Fallout posted an interview with Pete Hines:<blockquote>How can the player interact within the environment between the Vegas world and the customization and progression of your character? The character customization really comes more from the S.P.E.C.I.A.L.S. that you pick, or...
  16. Sam Ecorners

    Random Fallout: New Vegas news

    Some random news. To start, we have this short preview from Destructoid<blockquote>One thing I really like about New Vegas is the subtle aesthetic changes. While Fallout 3 went with a grey/green style, New Vegas is very brown and orange. I know that "brown" games are looked down upon this...
  17. Sam Ecorners

    Fallout: New Vegas previews

    Could someone save this video? I'm not at the computer right now.
  18. Sam Ecorners

    Cam footage of New Vegas

    Yeah, but karma doesn't mean much anymore.
  19. Sam Ecorners

    Cam footage of New Vegas

    Ohhh, what's this?