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    Dark Souls

    Well, seeing as how I am just farming trophies now, I guess I'll put up some thoughts here. Havoc engine still suck, and it has nothing to do with graphics. If one considers the fact that death has such huge ingame consequences, then the engine choice itself is a failure. Collusion...
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    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Disgaea 3..., I must be nuts. One of the trophy asks you to get 10 billion pts of damage. Mayhem turn based tactical, bigger, louder and crazier than ever. Max level is 9999, I guess I still have work to do. :lol: :crazy:
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    First important election in 2012

    Well, let me post the results first, before I answer your questions Yoshi. There were plenty of American interest in the election, especially those in the Silicon Valley, seeing as most gadgets...
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    The Curse of Cow Clicker A very interesting look on where the future of gaming may or may not be going. I would recommend those interested to read it from beginning to the end. It is a fascinating look at group dynamics and basics of game play and its...
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    Games You're Looking Forward To

    Well, thanks to another thread, I am now looking forward to - Risen 2, Amy (the game), and possibly Firefall. The Secret World has been switched to the maybe not bin.
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    First important election in 2012

    The Taiwanese Presidential Election goes off on the Jan. 14, which is the starting gun of all the important elections in 2012. President Ma has a lot of...
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    'An Exciting List Of PC Games For 2012'

    I was looking forward to this: But the information that I just found out has just dampened all my enthusiasm. The 20s settings got moved to the modern era because you wanted to include modern pop references like Buffy, Da Vanci's code and other stuff? The...
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    Power armor (from 2007)

    Old news. This kind of stuff have been posted numerous times before. I did one of the DARPA project way back when it started. It's not hard to make some crappy version of PA at home these days if you knew how. You can check out my thread Redneck powered armor. Even TED talks had a...
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    American Chinese food: Not really Chinese An awesome talk about localization and globalization of Chinese food. One thing that really surprised me is that there are more Chinese restaurants than all those fast food restaurants combined. I knew most of it before...
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    Customer Service from hell and response from PAX and others He now has his own wiki page. :lol: Edit to add: Apparently, the gadget itself ain't bad. And after reading the info available, the biggest problem for the original company is that he wasn't as much of a business man as he started as a...
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    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    You can mute the music using the ingame options. A lot of music is a remake of late 80s and early 90s old Sega 8 bit tracks though, so they were pretty rough. If you beat the game on easy, you can get a Immortal Marionette. That accessory can help you finish your combos so there are no...
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    Dear Leader - has died

    lols, I feel like my third post has vanished into thin air, even though I can see it quite clearly. I didn't lambast (I mean, beating with a cane, really?) any of the regular public in my postings. I was making sarcastic remarks about the most of the main stream North American media...
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    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    I went back to Bayonetta and unlocked Bracelet of Time, Eternal Testimony, Bazillions, Pillow Talk and Climax Bracelet. Damn, my fingers hurt.. Now I need to save up 11 million Halos for a platinum ticket so Rodin can go to space and be a space marine. Since there is no way for me to...
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    Dear Leader - has died

    HUH? :eyebrow: Do you mean me or something? If you are, I have no idea what you are talking about or what point you are trying to make. Because what you said has absolutely no relevance to what I said. I am utterly perplexed. :wtf:
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    Dear Leader - has died Hm.., a show of force? Edit to add: I received some interesting news. Apparently the Exiled eldest son of Kim Jong-Il has reportedly been mocking his younger brother...
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    Dear Leader - has died

    lol, you replied almost exactly like I thought you would, but you do know that's a very weak argument, right? How long has Hitler been dead? Are you saying that his actions didn't still affect some people today? If you want talk recent, Deng ordered the tanks to march onto the protesting...
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    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    I finally broke 300k solo playing RE5 Merc Reunion. It's not that impressive seeing how youtube has clips of people soloing for upwards 700k - 1 mil +, but it is the best I've done so far. If I didn't panic and lose my combo around the 120 mark, then I might've hit that 700k.
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    Dear Leader - has died

    I have some reservations about writing this, but I posted it anyway since I already wrote it. Evil, huh? I am not one to defend crazy dictators, so don't take this the wrong way, but compare to who? In terms of blood on his hands and the level of disasters he caused for personal glory...
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    Dear Leader - has died

    North Korean leader Kim Jong Il, 69, has died As for the guy that will take over a country at the young age of 27...
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    Thailand, more socially forward than the West? A friend posted this on another forum I frequent. I found it kind of interesting, because I can imagine the uproar this kind of thing would cause in North America. Of course, jokes about questions asking whether or not you would like the...