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  1. KingArthur

    Dopa Needs to Answer His Phone or the NMA New Years Friendship Thread

    I haven’t seen a thread like this yet, at least not for New Years. So I made it. This is where we either jack each other off and thank them for their friendship, or as friends tell them what they need to work on (seriously or sarcastically). On the latter topic, Dopa needs to answer his...
  2. KingArthur

    The New Colossus Order’s Old Blood, or Arthur Reviews Rebooted Wolfenstein

    As I stated in that thread about how we’re coping with the Holocoof, I’ve been replaying one of my favorite series, from Wolf 3D up to New Colossus. Now, I could theoretically review “classic” Wolfenstein, Wolf 2009, and RtCW, but I’m gonna focus on the 3 rebooted titles for the sake of this...
  3. KingArthur

    [Cannibal: Eat Baby]

    So this thread is about your favorite morally ambiguous (or straight up evil) NV or TTW decisions, and your mental gymnastics for defending them (a defense is required :) ) I’ll start: I eat Baby Marie in the Pitt mod that allows you to do so, because she’s the only food you don’t have to hunt...
  4. KingArthur

    The True Moral Quandary of Fallout 4 (no, not how to destroy the disc)

    So, like it says on the tin. In my mind, and, I suppose, in most minds, the Fallout 4 faction system is utterly stupid and pointless. Which got me thinking; what’s the real moral “dilemma” (used loosely) in that game? It can’t be the racism against ghouls in most settlements except...
  5. KingArthur

    So I Bought the Killing Joke Novel (and it’s awful)

    As it said in the title, I purchased The Killing Joke prose adaptation off of Amazon. Now, some backstory is needed; I heard it was bad. In fact, I heard it was TERRIBLE. But that’s the thing; I wanted to see for myself, and offer an honest review of its 300+ pages here. And what was the...
  6. KingArthur

    Phineas Gage and the Canon Courier

    So, I don’t think anyone has made a thread like this, or if they did, I couldn’t find it by searching. What the thread IS is mainly two things: 1) my argument against a Good Karma Courier 2) Hopefully a discussion about what the canon ending (faction and karma) likely was, and I’ll give...
  7. KingArthur

    40k Games Like Total War

    So I’ve been looking through the history of WH40k games to find a game like Total War Warhammer, but set in the 40k universe instead of Warhammer Fantasy. I tried Dawn of War, didn’t like it, 2 and 3 were... eh, and 1 was basically Starcraft with a different coat of paint imo. Recently tried...
  8. KingArthur

    Aurelius' Legion Overhaul

    It's still a WIP and thus not on the Nexus yet, but I figured I ought to come to this community for suggestions and feedback on ideas for an overhaul mod I'm making. Currently, I've made combat and Hardcore survival more brutal, made VATS a more fleeting resource (you'll use it once a fight...
  9. KingArthur

    Why do people think Fallout 3 was actually good?

    So I just got done playing Fallout 3 and I have to say, I don't get why people think it's so great. First of all, there's no capacity for roleplaying. All of your choices either don't matter or get wiped away. Prime example is that quest everyone mentions, Power of the Atom. Disarm the nuke and...
  10. KingArthur

    It’s Naht a Tumoh! or Legion CoC

    So, it’s been awhile since I’ve made a proper Fallout thread, and nothing seems to bring you miserable fucking degenerates together more than hating on my favorite faction. In honor of that, I present you with my latest and arguably most mediocre thread on the Legion, in which I’ll likely be...
  11. KingArthur

    Making Custom Critters

    So, this is probably gonna sound moronic to experienced modders, but I'm getting into modding Fallout 2 (I plan on making a quest using custom characters), and I'm unsure of which tools I'll need specifically. Currently I have sFall, the DAT unpacker, the Map Editor, and the Proto Manager. Is...
  12. KingArthur

    Chrissy’s Having a Bad Day

    So I’m replaying Fallout 2, and I ended up taking the Rescue Chrissy quest outside Vault 15; everything went wrong. Immediately. So, first off I figured I’d go in guns blazing, take her back to her mother by killing the raiders. Karla died in the shack... Phil, Chrissy’s room key holder, died...
  13. KingArthur

    So I’m Making a Pen and Paper Game and Need Input

    So, yeah. Like it says in the title, I’m making a PnP Fallout game, specifically one set around the time of the first Battle of Hoover Dam. So far the idea is that the party is a caravan, made up of diverse player characters and builds of course, which travels the Mojave, making deliveries and...
  14. KingArthur

    You Have Failed This Thread!

    So I didn’t know if this even warranted a thread because I haven’t the slightest how many other Green Arrow fans there are here, but basically I’m creating this to discuss the Emerald Archer. Favorite runs, portrayals, versions of the character, etc. I’m gonna start off by asking: what Green...
  15. KingArthur

    The Enclave: Evil or Machiavellian?

    So I saw a lot of threads with similar reasons for being but 1) I don't wanna gravedig and 2) I was hoping for more of an argument discussion like in @Apollyon's Lanius thread. So without further ado... I believe that the Enclave, as a group, are not strictly "evil", in the conventional sense...
  16. KingArthur

    The Ticking of the Clock

    So basically the purpose of this thread is to speculate how long the New California Republic has left. In my opinion? Not long. The Republic is a shadow of the Old World, yet unlike the Legion, it’s beginning to rot from the inside. Corruption, inefficiency, ineffective military tactics, the...
  17. KingArthur

    Can We Talk About That Retarded MKX Story Mode?

    (Specifically @Squadcar) The story mode in Mortal Kombat X is just... odd, to me. It raises a lot of questions about certain characters, to say the least; first off, Johnny Cage beats both Scorpion and Revenant Sub Zero in the very first chapter. How? Johnny and Smoke together were defeated by...
  18. KingArthur

    Does Fallout 3 Have Faggy Animations?

    So I originally was gonna make this thread as a joke, based off the title of another thread about F2 having laggy animations, but as I thought about it I realized that this is a genuine question. Let’s take the movement animations, for example. The running with a gun in third person animation...
  19. KingArthur

    plz delete

    Someone delete this thread I made 2 by accident
  20. KingArthur

    Red Thread Redemption

    It’s ya boi “no redeeming qualities but roguish looks” for another episode of Rants and Raves With Aure. I fucking love Red Dead 2. More than love it. I adore it. It might be my favorite game of all time, don’t gaf about hype, or whether or not it’s “cool” to hate it, it’s just fun to play. The...