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  1. The Dutch Ghost

    Dutch Ghost final post

    I wish to anounce that I am leaving the forrum of as if now for personal reason Sorry I will not be back I can not explain
  2. The Dutch Ghost

    Presenting my original story; The Dark Side

    Hello all, This is the first draft of an original science fiction/dark fantasy story that I am working on, the Dark Side There will probably be needed some editing, maybe even additional material in the future, so for now I ask that people understand that there may be flaws in this that need...
  3. The Dutch Ghost

    Just have to share this with you: my silly ChatGPT movies

    Hello all, Last week I started to check out ChatGPT and see what the results would be if I fed it some ideas and scenarios and see what the results would be. Well days later and I spend hours on it. After asking it some stuff on various random topics and playing with the reaction, I decided to...
  4. The Dutch Ghost

    Interview with the team leader of the Fallout Vault 13 Total Conversion project

    A couple of months ago the Fallout: Vault 13 team showcased the work they had done on a Fallout 1 Total conversion for Fallout 4 in a demonstration video on Youtube, recreating the world of the Fallout 1 campaign into a First Person gaming experience. Rather than just recreating the locations...
  5. The Dutch Ghost

    Any advice on how to deal with spawning issues possibly caused by mods

    Hello all, Recently I have switched mod managers for Fallout New Vegas, finally retiring FOMM in favor of MO2. In general the program runs fine but I am starting to run into an issue I can't seem to track down; NPCs spawning at the wrong place. In this case a NCR soldier who appears in Primm...
  6. The Dutch Ghost

    The new Marathon is such a disappointment

    By chance I discovered a couple of days ago that a new Marathon game was planned. The Marathon games are of course the game series that helped Bungie establish itself as a studio before they made the Myth games and the Halo games. Quite some elements of Marathon made it into Halo. I was always...
  7. The Dutch Ghost

    Metroid Dread. My opinion on it

    Hello all, Yesterday I finished Metroid Dread and I have to say that I am glad that it is finally over, something I would normally say about Metroid games as I did not really enjoy the experience. It is not a bad game but it is also not what I would liked to have seen in a Metroid title. What...
  8. The Dutch Ghost

    TDG's movie timeline 4.5

    Hello all, Ages ago I started a little project to combine some of my most favorite movies into a single timeline after I thought about how some movies could really well coexist in the same universe, creating a sort of alternative history timeline like some comic series and novels handle (often...
  9. The Dutch Ghost

    The Ashes 2063, DMW, and Afterglow gaming and Q & A thread

    This is No Mutants' Allowed thread for the Post Apocalypse themed Doom 2 single player total conversion Ashes 2063, its sequel Afterglow, and its spin off Dead Man Walking. Here you can discuss the games themselves such as the contents and the design and any post any thoughts, suggestions, or...
  10. The Dutch Ghost

    What have you bought during this Winter sale?

    Hello all, Now being the holidays and last days before New Year's eve, various online stores such as Steam, GOG, Origin, etc, are having their Winter sales. Most of these of course being titles that have been in their catalogs for years, but occasionally also some of the more recent sales. And...
  11. The Dutch Ghost

    Ashes 2063 Afterglow version V 1.06 has been released

    With version V 1.06 released this Friday it is time to upload this article Ashes Afterglow that I had written a while back to provide members and visitors to NMA details about this project, This October, after two years of development Vostyok and ReformedJoe, with help from other members of...
  12. The Dutch Ghost

    New trailer for Ashes Afterglow released

    For some time now a follow up to 2018's Ashes 2063, a Doom post apocalypse themed total conversion, has been in development by its original developer; Vostyok, with the help from other noteworthy Doom modder ReformedJoe whose previous credits on Ashes include the expansion Dead Man Walking...
  13. The Dutch Ghost

    Will in ten years Fallout still be relevant as a series?

    Hello all, This topic came up when I was chatting with someone on discord. The person I was talking too was a musician who had made music for a PA themed mod. He mentioned during the chat that he never had played any of the Fallout games. After the joke 'Blasphemy' reaction, I responded that...
  14. The Dutch Ghost

    Short story still in progress

    This has nothing to do with Fallout but a few months ago I had a very severe emotional crisis, severe enough to even call the suicide hotline as I seriously felt like offing myself (and still do myself) to end all the pain, misery, and what I feel is a pointless life without purpose in which I...
  15. The Dutch Ghost

    Van Buren in Fallout New Vegas

    Hello all, I have not seen an article about it anywhere else yet (if there is one, just delete this message or merge it with that post), but I just found out that some modders are working on recreating Van Buren in Fallout New Vegas. This TC will ignore the events of FNV, sticking to the...
  16. The Dutch Ghost

    FOBOS: God damn how Iplay half-assed this

    * as the FOBOS dedicated forum has been archived ages ago, I am opening a thread to it here. Last week I bought copies of Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance 1 and 2, and I received 1 today. Having played the game now, I have discovered what a half-assed job Charles "Chuck" Cuevas and Iplay have done...
  17. The Dutch Ghost

    Please help TDG with building a new PC

    Dammit I have been postponing this message longer than I had intended but for these last two weeks I have been looking for someone who could help me with building a new PC, or in particular help me decide on what the best specifications/configuration for one would be. I have been saving up for...
  18. The Dutch Ghost

    Comics only known in your country

    Hello all, I have always been a big comics fans since I was little, starting with comics in my own language and later when I learned how to read English expanding into comics that are from other countries, particularly ones that never got a Dutch language translation because no publisher here...
  19. The Dutch Ghost

    Does anyone here still play Real Time Strategy games?

    Hello all, As I mentioned in the thread in which members can tell which games they recently have been playing I posted that I have been playing Starcraft 2 again after I became interested in a total conversion mod for it called Mass Recall. RTS used to be quite big in the late 90s and early...
  20. The Dutch Ghost

    Do you think Mr House knew about the Vault social experiments?

    This really just randomly popped in my mind while I was playing FNV and was wandering around in the Vault on the Strip. House was pretty high up in the government contractor circles as Robco manufactured various technologies for the government/armed forces, so he was probably in on various top...