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  1. I

    Vuvuzela The reason why I opened up this thread is to know how football/soccer fans in your country react to the "sound of World Cup 2010". If I look at the discussion here in Germany it seems that fans get pissed more and more... It sounds like a swarm of...
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    The grenade launcher is a grenade launcher

    There were some questions on the weapon in this pic being a grenade launcher or not, especially after PSM3 put a minigun description next to it. J.E. Sawyer confirmed that the Big Gun is a grenade launcher:<blockquote>It's actually the grenade machine gun. Sorry for the mixup.</blockquote>And in...
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    J.E. Sawyer on guns

    Sawyer on guns, history and Fallout.<blockquote>Close to it in some cases, especially when it comes to sidearms. The M1911 is still in service in some U.S. military and LEO branches and it's been 99 years since it was introduced. The Hi-Power has been even more successful worldwide, though for...
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    WHEN ZOMBIES ATTACK! ... a mathimatical modell :clap:
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    Daggerfall - Free Download

    I wonder if my PC is fast enough to handle it in DosBox:
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    Moon Movie Although I think I already know what this movie will be about it still might be worthwhile to watch....
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    District 9 - Viral marketing that actually worked for me!

    Well it's a Sci-Fi movie based on a 80s movie/tv show: Check out the alien scum's blog: :mrgreen:
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    Bethesda talks Fallout: New Vegas

    Shacknews managed to nab Pete Hines to ask a set of questions about their cooperation with Obsidian on Fallout: New Vegas.<blockquote>Shack: What has Bethesda's attitude been in terms of allowing Obsidian freedom to create their own Fallout game? Pete Hines: I think we tried very hard not to...
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    There are Nazis on the moon! Buy War Bonds!

    "Das ist ein kleiner Schritt für den Menschen, aber ein großer Schritt für das Vaterland!" :mrgreen: :clap: Seems like a really interesting film project:
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    Half-Life Fan Movie: Escape from City 17

    Part 1 Better quality:
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    Children of Men - TV Series

    I just watched Children of Man again and found out that there might be a TV series... Not sure if thats new to you, but I am quite excited about a new dystopian vision.[/url]
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    Obama's Speech in Berlin

    Obama Berlin Speech: See Video, Photos, Full Speech Transcript: Well, I have been there but so were 200 000 other people. So I had to follow the speech on a screen. I think I have to sleep a night other my...
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    Terminator 4: Salvation HD: Well well... I have no doubts about Christian Bale... but what about the director of "Charlies Angels"? wtf?
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    Damn, this is so unbelievable intense?stupid?good marketing? Well, I live in Berlin and scenes like that also happen in the area I live at. Therefore this music video gives me chills. This video is ultra brutal horrorshow - reminds me of Clockwork Orange. Do you also have city areas in your country...
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    My Notebook Processor is overheating while playing Fallout !

    I have got a 3 year old subnotebook with an Athlon XP-M 2200+, 516Ram, Onboard Graphic Chip and so on... I had no problems in playing games that range from Civ3, Steel Panthers, Dosbox Games, ScummVM and even FO 1 and 2 as I recall. Right now I don't know why my processor gets really...
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    The "Regierungsbunker" - The German Vault of the F

    I just found these nifty pics of the "Regierungsbunker" that was built in the 60's as a nuclear bombshelter: Unfortunately the whole article is in German, but you might enjoy the...
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    Progress Quest! - The ultimate RPG Just download it and experience the ultimate quintessence of next- gen RPGs. :evil:, pardon me next- gen MMÖRG.
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    Czechoslovakia got nuked!

    Source: New York Times Videolink: iii
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    Ze Führer is taking ower US! - Turning Point -

    Hmm, this game could be a lot of fun! On the other side the story might be full of cheesy bullshit and the game is going to suck... Most alternative universes that have a Nazi World Domination Theme (tm) are quite annoying and ...well...
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    Farcry 2

    Damn, I was really impressed by that demo video... I hate to say it but THIS looks really like Next Generation to me: I really like how they try to create an open world where gimmiks/ features like the weather system, wounded enemies...