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  1. Sn1p3r187

    Scene from Fallout TV show

    Speech check failed successfully. In all honesty. The makeup design and the sets look pretty damn good won't lie. I'm not against having a more comedy centric Fallout tv show. But the issue lays with Bethesda and their total misinterpretation of the Fallout series story (basically doing to...
  2. Sn1p3r187

    Does the NCR have a Navy or Air Force?

    No seriously. In the nearly whole century since their establishment and the amount of territory they've taken spanning from Baja, Mexico all the way up to lower Oregon. You mean to tell me they didnt find any old U.S. aircraft carriers, Frigates, Destroyers, Aegis's, or Cruisers to claim in the...
  3. Sn1p3r187

    V.A.T.S. is (almost) useless

    Im doing another cowboy build this playthrough and i think im gonna forgo any VATS related perks. Instead ill put strength into the area cowboy weapons need- Mainly Agility with ehanced critical chance. I acknowledge cowboys weapons are cheap in VATS cost. But theyre damn nearly always missing...
  4. Sn1p3r187

    The best Moral Dilemma in the series?

    The Pitt.......There I said it. The Pitt represented everything about Fallout that Fallout 3 should've 100% have been and is easily....One of the best well written stories of its own in the Fallout series. So good, that I actaully want to meet the guy who wrote the Pitt's story and shake his...
  5. Sn1p3r187

    What happened to the Lone Wanderer after Fallout 3?

    THEORIES! Let's hear them. Around 2010 I wrote a short story about my character following the events of F3 (Forgive me, I was a kid back then). Cant remember where it went. But to summarize- "Main character helps clear out Vault 87 of Super Mutants and killing off any attempted organized...
  6. Sn1p3r187

    Understanding Pre War military weapons

    Okay this has been a small inconsistency that has bugged me a bit about the first two Fallout games and New Vegas for some years now. The weapons that were considered "Standard issue" by the Pre War U.S. Military. I've never truly understood it. With how Fallout 1 and 2 are. I would've at least...
  7. Sn1p3r187

    Making archery work in Fallout?

    I've been on this one all day. While I know mods like B42 bows exist for New Vegas, I feel like it takes existing assets and modifies them to fit a niche to say "Hey archery does exist among tribal enemies and you can take it up too with select perks", plus it is affected by the explosives...
  8. Sn1p3r187

    Favorite/Least Favorite Builds?

    Self Explanatory. Personally I find Stealth/Sniper and Gunslinger builds to be my personal favorites. Being in a way New Vegas is a western I enjoy the hell outta western films as a whole and I find specializing at range and not getting hit by bullets works better than trying to tank it. And...
  9. Sn1p3r187

    Fallout: Neuvo Mexico

    Seems to me a mod team finally learned from the mistakes of The Frontier and New California. And i think itll weirdly tie in 1.5 Resurrection in a way considering this mod is set maybe 5 years before Resurrection and practically in the same location. Thoughts?
  10. Sn1p3r187

    The Legion's use of Primitive Weaponry?

    Since the legion has a habit of absorbing small tribes to add to their ranks and theyre generally less fond of using firearms or powered armor in any way shape or form. Tell me why- Why doesn't the Legion make use of Archers or Slingmen (Basically light artillery guys using rock or lead slings...
  11. Sn1p3r187

    Sniper/Sneak Build

    I'm doing another playthrough of Fallout 2. This time I'm going for a sneaky/sniper build. Any idea what points I should put into Special,traits I should take, or skills I should tag? Obviously Small guns and sneak are gonna be high on the list. For traits I was thinking Finesse, and maybe...
  12. Sn1p3r187

    Your Character Build IRL?

    If you ever had to make an RPG character build based purely off of how you either see yourself in real life or how others see you, what do you think your stats would be and what would be your class? I got this idea after Trying differing builds for New Vegas and KOTOR 2. I always tended to ones...
  13. Sn1p3r187

    A Fallout concept album?

    I've been sitting on some ideas for a good bit in my ragged studio. And it's more so something I'm thinking of doing in the near future. A thought for a potential Fallout themed concept album that tells its own story through music and could be seen as being apart of the universe, or not. My idea...
  14. Sn1p3r187

    Any great mods you would consider canon in the Falloutverse?

    I have a few. For Fallout 1/2 Id be willing to consider Fallout Sonora and 1.5 Resurrection as being canon to the main story even though they may not be seen as such. For Fallout New Vegas. Definitely all of the Someguyseries mods and Th3Overseers mod and one Salt Lake stories mod. Whether...
  15. Sn1p3r187

    Am I in the minority when I say I'm not bothered by Super Mutants in Fallout 3?

    While I do know that most people give shit for the existence of Super Mutants in the Capitol Wasteland. I'm more inclined to be infuriated by the existence of Super Mutants in the Commonwealth (to which IMO was really a cheap copout more than anything and makes zero sense). I'm not so much...
  16. Sn1p3r187

    Pre War world under different aesthetics?

    Everyone makes talk about Fallout being retro futuristic in some sense. As I've always seen the pre war world as being if I remember- the future as imagined by the 1950-60's, but after the war everything relating to the culture and the way things were was totally destroyed. And I got to thinking...
  17. Sn1p3r187

    Does Fallout 3 discourage character builds?

    I've had this on my mind for some years now. But the overall way the game is setup it feels like Fallout 3 very much discourages you from going into a certain character build. From simply not having traits, the perk list feels very constricted, and in general it's just way too easy to become OP...
  18. Sn1p3r187

    Do you think Obsidian considers Fallout 3 canon?

    I feel like when it comes to the dlc they have and the presence of the wasteland survival guide. In fact, what do Obsidian think of Fallout 3 in general? I mean I'd feel like theyd say the story was garbage as well. And then there's the someguyseries mods to which I know they're mods, but...
  19. Sn1p3r187

    A name for the Carolina Wastelands?

    I was inspired by a recent thread. I have some great ideas for some fan lore for the Carolinas after the great war. Seeing as it's my home and all. I'd wonder if the Carolinas would get hit hard during the war or be relatively spared with the exception of the big cities (Greensboro, Charlotte...
  20. Sn1p3r187

    Any musicians here?

    If you own any instruments. What do you own? Guitar, Bass, drums, trumpet, or tuba? All's welcome here. Feel free to show a picture of your instrument and gear.